Chapter 22

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I wake up in a grey metal room, feeling a hell of a lot better then before. I glance around, jumping at the figure next to me. 

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks me, stroking my hair away from my face. "Fine, better." I tell him sitting up. "Where are my friends?"

"Bellamy is in holding, Raven and John are in medical with Finn." He tells me, taking hold of my hand. "Talon?" I ask again, taking my hand back. "He refused to come with us, we offered I promise."

"I want to see Bellamy." I demand, swinging my legs over the makeshift bed. "Aries I don't-"

"You can't stop me." I say walking out the door. "Where's holding?" I ask the guard who's outside the door. The man doesn't answer only staring over my head at my father.

"I'll come with you." My dad says making me turn to him. "I have some questions for Mr. Blake."

I don't say anything, just start walking. I reach a fork in my path making me stop. "Right." My dads voice says behind me and I rush down that hallway, surprised how quickly I recovered from the poison.

I reach a door with two guards in front of it. "This holding?" I ask the two, stopping in front of them. "Who are you?"

"Aries Kane, open the door." I order and the guard hesitates eventually opening it. The door opens with a hiss, the three people inside turning to it.

I walk in ignoring the two more guards inside, my eyes focused on Bellamy. I throw my arms around his shoulders, sighing into him.

He hugs me back, his hands now free. "I thought you were dead." He whispers to me, tightening his hold. "When you came out of the dropship, you sure as hell looked it."

"I look better now?" I ask, letting him go and stepping back. "Much better." He chuckles and I laugh. "Can't say the same for you." I tell him, reaching up and brushing his blood stained face with my hand.

Someone clearing their throat behind me makes Bellamy focus on it. I already know who it is so I push back a laugh when Bellamy backs away from me.

"How long do you plan on keeping him locked in here?" I ask, turning around to face my dad. "Until I'm confident he's no longer a threat to others." My dad says and I scoff, spinning and moving closer to Bellamy.

"Let's talk." My dad says, pulling a chair into the middle of the room. "You said there were hundreds of grounders attacking." He continues sitting down. "Two hundred- three hundred?"

"I didn't count." Bellamy snaps at him, shaking his head. "Why do you think they attacked?" My dad asks again and I scoff. "Cause you dropped us here. Probably thought we were aliens."

"We are wasting time." Bellamy says, walking past me. "The others didn't just vanish into thin air." He continues, stopping right in front of my dad. "They were taken and we need to go after them."

"A search team is prepping to leave, but not before we've gotten intel from you, both of you." My dad interrupts, glancing between me and Bellamy.

"I need to be on the team." Bellamy demands as I walk closer to the two. "That's out of the question." 

"You're not trained, it isn't safe." My dad tells him and I cross my arms. "He is trained, was a guard on the Ark." I say glaring down at my dad. "He knows the terrain, we both do."

"Those are our people out there." I tell him, nodding towards Bellamy. "They're my people too." My dad says, standing up.


"You want to help them, tell me what were up against." My dad cuts me off, now talking just to Bellamy.  I go to speak, only to once again be cut off. "They use arrows, spears, axes and swords, their teeth."

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