Chapter 1

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I'm sitting on my bathroom floor with my back against the door. My foot is tapping fast and I'm constantly scratching a certain spot on my hairline. When my anxiety hits it itches and I have to scratch. I hear yelling again it's my boyfriend. I close my eyes breathe and try to ignore his voice. Next thing I know I feel the door being pounded on and Jason yelling at me.

"Why did you lock yourself in the bathroom again. Please talk to me, come out here right now and talk to me." He shouts through the door. Tears slip out of my eyes as I feel horrible for ignoring him. I can hear the demons in my head whispering to me how much of horrible person I am and that I deserve this. I curl up into a ball and close my eyes hoping those thoughts go away. I must have fallen asleep because I now wake up and it's night, so I get up stretch out. I slowly unlock the door and peak out, I see he is out of the apartment so I take this opportunity to sneak outside for awhile. Once I'm a couple block away I just randomly start walking a direction not caring where I go. Im numb right now which happens after I have an attack, You see I'm messed up. Im jarred out of my thoughts when I bump into a figure.
"Im sorry I was paying attention" I softly say embarrassed that I bumped into someone. I lower my head immediately because I'm not a very social person.

"Hey it's okay no harm. I at least get to meet someone new" the alluring voice says. I look up confused as to why they were nice when I bumped into them. I'm shocked I see for all intents and purposes a skeleton, or more a guy wearing skeleton makeup but at the same time doesn't look like make up. He is smiling at me with curious cute eyes well eye holes. I furrow my eyebrows confused. "You must be confused by my appearance. Not many can see me for I only reveal when I'm needed most. My name is zyggy" he says scratching the back of his neck in what appears to be nervousness. He is nervous? He must not socialize much then.
"I have a friend but you probably won't meet till later." He chuckles nervously.

" name is Lindsey, and you look interesting if I may be honest. Um we can go to the park and talk if you want? Im currently avoiding home right now." I whisper out the last part hoping he doesn't hear. Not like anyone cares about my problems. I let out a sad sigh as I turn toward the park hoping he would follow. I hear footsteps behind me so I know he is following me. It's a short walk so we get there quickly. I sit down on a swing and gently swing. Zyggy sits on the swing next to me.
"Why are you avoid home? Is everything okay?" He asks with a little concern in his voice. "I mean you don't have to tell me, you just met me but I am willing to listen. Sometimes we just need someone to listen to all the problems, And offer hugs." He quietly tells me reassuring me it's okay and safe with him.

"Okay" I say and take a deep breathe. Taking a chance at this even though my demons tell me not to. "It's starts with the beginning My dad killed himself a month before my first birthday, then his family tried kidnapping me. You would think the bad luck stopped there but it didn't. My mom got a boyfriend my brother was born then the abuse started. My brother didn't remember it, but I could. He tried drowning me in the tub multiple times. Then he hit us on the head when mom wasn't around. Another time my brother swallowed a penny but it got stuck, he decided to shove his fingers down his throat to get it. Well that scratched it and my mom took him to the er leaving me with him. All I remember is being told it's my fault. My mom found out then kicked him out. From there it was just us three till my mom split her head open and and I found her on the floor. She was alright but I took care of bubba for awhile with my grandparents. From there it was uneventful, until my mom remarried and my sister was born. School I got bullied a lot I was different but never knew why. Then something confusing happened. I would hang out with my stepdad a lot and there was a period of time where I feel like my mind is crazy. He would grope me, it happened everyday till I couldn't take it and told him to stop. He told me he was teaching me to say no.." I stop cause at this point I'm crying at the memory mainly out of confusion. I never told anyone that no one that burden I carried with me. I felt a change next me. It was subtle but I noticed it. I looked up through my tears and noticed he was still there but his posture was different and his facial expression was angry.
"I'm sorry if I upset you.. I shouldn't have said anything, I tend to run my mouth once it opens and say to much. Most people ignore me because of it." I hang my head knowing I lost another potential friend. I feel fingers on my chin move head toward him.

"My name is DZ and I don't ever want to hear you say bad things about yourself. I'm still here which means I'm a friend. I'm just angry that a human can do that to someone as precious as you. I will always tell you this, you are precious and mean alot yo the people who love you." He says but I can hear the slight growl in his voice. I'm shocked, I've never had someone be that direct and tell me to be nice to myself. I actually feel warm inside from it.

"The demons aren't very forgiving. They have been with me since the beginning. I'm actually happy you consider me a friend." I smile at the end at the thought of finally having a friend.

"Oh what happened to zyggy?" I asked worried I scared him off.

"Don't worry you didn't scare him off, he just thought I would be better to handle this situation." He says looking out at the little pond in front of them....

~~~~~~~~~~to be continued next chapter

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