Chapter Nine

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I get up off the bed, and join him at the door frame.

We begin walking side by side down the hall. He puts his hands in his pockets, and mine remain by my side. I have Delirious's phone in my left hand, and Vanoss is walking on my right. I keep looking forward, and I'm slightly pushed. I look over at him and he's looking at me. So I lightly shove him back. I can hear him slightly chuckle.

We enter the living room, and wouldn't you know, everyone is actually in there. Moo, Delirious, Trinity and Nogla sit on one couch, and Basically, Wildcat, Lomasi, Lui and Mini sit on the couch opposite of them. Vanoss takes his seat on the empty couch while I hand Delirious his phone.

"Thank you so much Delirious."

He nods. "You're welcome Kenzie."

I take a seat next to Vanoss. I look over at Vanoss and I can tell he's thinking hard about something. I can tell this because his right elbow is on his right knee, and his head is in his hand. Finally, he decides to speak up.

"MacKenzie? How many people know about your dad?"

This question takes me by surprise. I exit my shocked stage and reply. "Umm.. Only family members and people I can trust.. So basically just my family and you guys is all.."

Everyone looks at me, not really certain on what to think. Lui speaks up this time. "So, what you're telling us is, you trust us?" I just nod at his question, and look towards Vanoss, who is staring at me like everyone else.

I get kinda uncomfortable. "Would you guys please quit staring at me.. Please, it's not most comfortable thing I've been in.."

Vanoss looks at everyone else. "Do you think it's time?" They all go stiff, like they're not really sure.

I'm so confused.. "Time for what?"

Vanoss looks at me. "Since you only have one secret with us, it's time that we only have one secret with you."

"What do you mean?"

"My name.. Is Evan." Vanoss says. 'Evan..' I think. 'I like that name.'

I look around and I can see everyone is thinking about who should go next. I could also tell that they were surprised at their leader. I mean, by the looks on their faces, well, the faces that I could see, Vanoss didn't discuss this with any of them. But if they really do trust me, then they'll go along with it. A few more silent moments pass, and I get worried. 'Do they not trust me?' Just when I lost all hope..

"My name's Brock." Moo says. 'So they do trust me..' I can feel a smile grow on my lips.

"Mine's Jonathan." Delirious says, gesturing to himself.

"I'm Tyler!" Wildcat says basically jumping out of his seat.

"My name is Marcel." Basically says.

"I'm still Trinity." Trinity says. I just giggle at her.

"I'm David!" Nogla says, making the a in David longer than it needs to be. I guess that's how Irish talk, I think it's cool though!

"Just like Trinity, I'm Lomasi still." Lomasi says, fixing her headband.

"My name's still Lui!" Lui said in his speaker voice. I giggle again. "I want Cheerios!" Everyone laughs. "No, I actually want Cheerios." He says in his normal voice. Everyone laughs again while he gets up and goes into the kitchen.

"Mini, you're the last one." Vanoss says, looking at Mini.

"My name's Craig!" Mini shouts raising his hand. I giggle at how much energy this whole group has.

"It's really easy to make you laugh, isn't it?" Marcel questions.

"Yeah, it is. And honestly, I'm probably not gonna use your real names off the bat, except for Trinity, Lomasi and Lui. But does that bother you guys, I mean, me still using your nicknames?" I ask.

"It doesn't bother me." Tyler speaks up, and everyone nods in agreement.

"Alright, so now it's one to one. When we trust you more, you'll see our faces. Okay?" Vanoss asks me while looking down at me.

"Okay." I simply say.

It was silent, and I was looking around. I see where they keep the movies, and I walk up to them and ask, "Does anyone want to watch a movie?" I hear mumbles of agreement. I look down, deciding which movie.

"Hey, you said you like 80s music, right?" I look up to see who asked, but I should've known it was Moo, or Brock I mean. I also see everyone looking at me with a surprised face, then they all gain smiles. Okay.. Weird.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

Before he can answer, Trinity says, "Just take a seat, and you'll see."

So they know which movie he's gonna pick? It's like they can all read each other's minds! I walk over and take my seat next to Vanoss. I notice that he scooches closer to me, but no one else does. Maybe I'm just imagining things again.. Wait. I wasn't imagining anything in the first place! So, why is he scooching closer to me?

The next thing I know, a cover of 'I Wanna Rock' was playing. I look at the T.V., and see they have my favorite movie of all time! Rock of Ages!! I mentally scream!

"This is my favorite movie!!" I say with a lot of excitement.

Everyone laughs at me, which I join in on. Lui takes his seat with, wouldn't you know it, a bowl of Cheerios. So he was serious.

The movie begins, and I start to sing along to the first song that plays, my favorite 80s song, Paradise City which is being sung right now by Tom Cruise, a.k.a. in this movie, Stacee Jaxx!


I'm gonna be honest, this movie is actually my favorite movie and I highly recommend it! But warning, there are scenes where it will look like there's gonna be a love scene, but it's not, I promise! And also, Paradise City by Guns N' Roses is actually my favorite 80s song!

I hope you guys don't mind this at all, you know, getting to know me a little bit..

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter, thank you so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

RescuersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora