Chapter Twelve

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I put one spoonful of cereal in my mouth before I ask my first question. "Now, my questions may jump around though.. But first question. When I was kidnapped, I was also quesioned.. By who? I have no idea, but anyway. He asked me what I know about you guys, and I told them the truth, I told them I knew nothing, but then he says, 'I see the way they look at you.' What did he mean by that?"

He avoids all eye contact. But finally, he answers, "We used to always spy on you when you walked around Los Santos. We knew you were different from the start. The one night we decide to talk about you, you know, debate on whether or not to go up and start to talk to you, you go out and get kidnapped..."

I just nod as I think of the next question. "Why did you ask all those questions that didn't really pertain to anything? Like, the question about what dog I would like, and if it was true that I have been single for two years?"

Again, he avoids eye contact. He doesn't answer for the longest time. Finally, knowing that I won't give up, he speaks up, "I'm not gonna say who, but one of us like you.. And we all know that you like of us. So I was just asking questions for.... Him."

"So when you and Moo went to kitchen, while you were questioning me, why did he come back with a smile on his face? And I know you know the reason, too."

He finally looks at me, but he doesn't smile. "Because I told him who likes you..."

He takes a bite of his cereal. I get the guts to ask another question. "Why does everyone like the fact that I'm different?"

He looks at me again, and says, "Because normal's boring."

I smile, and ask, "So when will I be trusted enough to see everyone's face?"

He takes another spoonful and shovels it into his mouth, as do I. When he chews then swallows, he answers. "I told everyone to show you when they trust you enough."

"So when will you trust me enough?"

"When you do something big. We saved your life, I don't know how soon, but I can feel that soon, you'll have to save some of us. But until then, I shall remain masked to you."

We make eye contact. Or well, my eyes to his mask's eyes. "How long has it been since you've had a girlfriend?" 'Stupid! Why did you ask that? Now he'll for sure know that you have feelings for him!'

But instead, he doesn't break eye contact. "I haven't had a girlfriend since this gang came to be. So, at least, three years. I've just never met my perfect match.. Until.." He looks away.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Until what?"

He stutters, "U-until a certain girl m-moved here not too long ago.." He gets up, and puts his now empty bowl into the sink. I don't know what to think.

I'm not sure if it's me, because it could also be another girl. "Do you know her name? Have you talked to her?"

He leans into the island. "Yeah, I know her name, and I've been talking to her for the past couple days. But I'm not sure if she likes me or not, nor if she knows that I like her. But a word of advice to you, just because your dad doesn't love you, doesn't mean that no man ever will. If he doesn't love a girl as precious as you, or as smart as you.... or as perfect as you..... then he's a piece of shit. He does not deserve you at all."

I smile, and fight back tears again. He notices that I'm fighting them, and comes up to me, and hugs me tightly. "Thank you Evan.. That means so much.."

He keeps his strong arms wrapped around me. "I'm only saying it because it's true Kenzie."

We let go, and I start thinking. 'Is he the one that likes me? Or is he just being nice?' We both here a noise coming from down the hall, and we know that someone is awake. Vanoss takes my bowl, and whispers in my ear, "If he asks about my jacket, just say that yours is being washed, and you got cold last night. And as for the questions, we'll continue those when we're alone again. Okay?"

I just nod as the identity of the mysterious person who got up, is revealed to be Mini. "You guys are up a little early, aren't you?"

Both Vanoss and I laugh slightly. "So what were you talking about?" Mini asks.

Vanoss replies, "Just talking about whether or not it's safe for her to go back home. I think no, what about you Mini?"

Craig thinks for a second. Finally, he comes to a conclusion. "I don't think so either."

In the corner or my eye, I can see Vanoss loosen up and relax a bit. I look at him, and he stands straight, like he didn't do anything in the first place.

"Do you mind staying another night?" Vanoss looks back at me and asks.

"I don't mind, but how long will I stay here? And where are my keys so I can go get some clothes for tomorrow?" I'm quite curious of what his answer will be for the first question.

He smiles, what seems to himself, and mumbles, "Hopefully longer than you think."

I act like I didn't hear that, but I know Mini didn't hear it. "I'm sorry, what Vanoss?" I ask.

He looks up. "Oh, nothing. And maybe just a few more days, and here are your keys. Will you be okay going by yourself?"

I take the keys from his hand. "I'm just going across the hall. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine." I get up, and just before I open the door, Mini stops me.

He whispers, "Is that Evan's jacket?"

I remember what Evan told me to tell him if he asked this. "Oh, yeah. My hoodie was dirty last night and I was cold, so I asked him if I could barrow one of his, and he just gave me his jacket."

I see a smile grow on his face. He simply says, "Okay." He turns on his heel, and headed straight for Vanoss. They start to talk, and I wonder what their talking about. I just shake it off, and head to my apartment.

Before I close the door, someone stopped me from closing it all the way. I turn and see that it was Vanoss. "Don't close the door all the way, so you can get back in without knocking."

"Thank you." I reply.

I go to my door, and unlock it. I open the door, and walk in. I smile as I think, 'Home sweet home!'


Hi!! If it wasn't obvious, they still don't know that they like each other! It's basically one of those situations where it's like, he likes her, she likes him, everyone knows, except them. I hope you like this chapter though!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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