Ashes of Normality

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The morning of the twenty-fourth of June started off well enough for the Granger family, minus the presence of the eldest daughter who was currently away at boarding school, or so the Granger's told their neighbors when they asked where Hermione Jean Granger was.

Her parents would tell others their eldest daughter attended a school for the gifted. Their middle daughter, Elizabeth Jane Granger would tell those who would listen that her sister was at a school for weirdos. Their youngest daughter claimed her sister went to a school for Time Lords, which of course would cause anyone listening who didn't know her to do a double-take, yet those who knew Jules or Juliet Grace Granger found such statements a part of the norm.

Mr. Granger got up that morning and cooked breakfast while Mrs. Granger rousted the two younger girls from bed. Elizabeth stumbled over to the breakfast table muttering, "Why does Jules have to be such a ball of energy every morning?"

"That's Jules for you," Mr. Granger turned to look at his youngest, smiling while he did so. "And we love her for it."

"I don't," Elizabeth muttered, poking the toast in front of her. "Did you have to pour a can of beans on my toast?"

"I like beans on toast," Mr. Granger would reply as if he'd not grown up having beans on toast growing up.

"I do too!" Jules chorused, digging into her beans on toast with gusto.

"I know the two of you love beans on toast, but some of us would rather have a bit more variety when it comes to breakfast."

"You can decide what's for breakfast when you do the cooking," Mrs. Granger piped up, sitting down in front of her own plate just before Mr. Granger joined the rest of his family at the table.

"You wouldn't be doing this if Hermione was here," Elizabeth muttered.

"Ne likes beans on toast," Jules piped up. The words came out from around mouthfuls of beans and toast.

"Not that much."

"Hermione actually helps your father in the kitchen when she's here," Mrs. Granger stated as Jules started rapid firing off what she planned on doing once Hermione arrived home. None of the others seemed to pay what Jules said any mind, although both of her parents were careful to listen lest she gets a strange idea which might not turn out well, either resulting in someone ending up hurt or...

"I don't know how to cook."

"I can teach you, though truth be told Hermione doesn't know how to cook either. She just follows instructions," Mr. Granger stated, the smile on his face not fading.

"Where are you working today?" Elizabeth asked, her tone of voice indicating she knew the argument was over yet didn't like the outcome. "The clinic with grandma and grandpa, the dentistry with mother, or the bookstore with Grandpa Richard?"

"None of those." Mr. Granger stated, oblivious to Elizabeth's current mood. "I'm spending the day with you girls."

"Great," Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"Elizabeth," their mother's tone of voice made Mr. Granger look up, still smiling, although a look of confusion passed over his face. "Do you have a problem with your father spending the day with you?"

"I have a problem that my dad doesn't have a normal job like everybody else's parents. Like you."

"I do have a normal job," Mr. Granger quipped. "I have multiple normal jobs and I go where the family needs me the most, and right now none of those places are super busy so I get to be my favorite role. A stay-at-home dad."

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