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A white haired women stands by the window looking at a snowy seen. She hums a lullaby cradling a little baby in her arms. The little baby girl was already beautiful with her growing raven black hair and bright blue grey eyes. A strong handsome looking man comes walking in he kisses the women on her cheek, before holding out his finger to the little baby. The little baby reaches her small hand holding it to her chest. The teachers at the orphanage had always been curious about the young couple. They didn't understand why they had a child when they had a whole orphanage regardless the little baby had everyone admiring her. She would laugh and smile and coo at everyone and take their hand gently in hers. She was smitten with everyone. Her parents loved her dearly but did not want anyone to know she was their child as it may come off as weird so they raised her as an orphan even though the woman would cry softly at night and the man was her only consolation. The woman often looked out the window and sang the lullaby to herself hugging herself. 

" My little moon, shine bright. "

" Up in the bright starlight. "

" Tonight the stars shine for your eyes. "

" The storms rumble greetings. "

" The winds whisper secrets. " 

" You are one with the stars, the sky. "

That was the song that the white haired woman sang, even if she could see her daughter grow she never wanted her daughter to be bullied because of jealousy. The man would join in the song his deep soft voice with her sweet one making it even more beautiful. Sometimes their daughter whom had grown older would hear them singing when she couldn't sleep. She loved to look out the window. That song was always something she treasured it was her only memory of her parents so she thought she was hearing things in her head. She would hum to it softly watching the moonlight and stars through her window.

A/N: Hi! Hope you like it so far! I will keep writing it for the ones who enjoyed reading it! I honestly don't have a very solid idea of where this is going so I would appreciate it if you comment ideas! Thanks! :D

I made up the song btw! Anyways enjoy the chapters!

The Mirrored Shard- A Shadow & Bone Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now