Chapter 2

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The room was quiet nobody spoke. The queen put down the dagger in its case there was no blood on it surprisingly. Before motioning to the healer to heal the cut. She motioned for me to sit. I sat down. Had I just done grisha magic!? Why where they so quiet? Had I done something wrong? 

Then realization hit me and my eyes widened. I had controlled shadows! Was I evil!? How did this happen!? Why could I also control light!? My head was spinning with thoughts. " Your gift is... unusual. " The queen said finally speaking. " You must have a million questions but before I answer them let me tell you an old child's tale. " She said calmly. I blinked in surprised but as no one had yelled at me to be killed I relaxed a bit. 

" One day the seas started to rage licking up the ones on its shores. It was the evil Lukenave. A Grisha whom had turned greedy in his quest for power. No one could stop him, as the seas raged and the wind was so strong it could knock you off your feet. A girl stepped on the shore, with a flick of her hand she blinded Lukenave and locked him in a cage of shadows. When she pressed her hands together, a burst of light rapped around Lukenave. As soon as it had started it was over. The seas calmed and the wind had stopped. Everyone rushed out to see their hero. An eclipse glimmered in the sky, the moon blocking out the sun in a blinding white light. No one ever saw the girl again but some lived to tell the tale of mystery. " 

The queen said calmly, smiling at me. " I- Im the girl in the story? " I asked unsure of myself. " Yes, Evanore you are a Eclipse Summoner. Made of shadow and light. " The queen answered calmly. I shook my head in disbelief. " I believe before we go, Alina has something to say. " The queen said waving her hand towards Alina.

 I looked at the one who had raised me and all the others as if her own. Alina looked me in my eyes tears in hers. " Evanore... I- I'm your mother. I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I didn't want you to be treated differently! I've always loved you my little darling! Everyday I've longed for you in my heart! Every night I sing the lullaby I sang to you as a baby. " She said a tear rolling down her cheek, I watched as it fell soaking into the fabric of the couch she was sitting in. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I knew the truth. I rushed over to her and hugged her.

 " I have always loved you, my darling mother! " I cried. Hugging her tightly. After a moment, I unwrapped my arms from around her. " I will never forget your kindness! " I promised. I wiped away my tears. The queen smiled at me. " Don't worry you can write to your mother and father. " The queen assured me. I nodded.

 Standing up and composing myself. Genya winked at me. I grinned back. " You don't need to pack anything everything you need will be at the little palace. " The queen said calmly. I nodded. She walked with grace and dignity. I followed behind copying her walk as well as I could. Soon we arrived outside a small carriage waiting. 

Genya mounted a horse behind while the healer went inside the carriage followed by the queen. There where a few more Grisha on horses in front. The queen beckoned me inside the carriage and I stepped up into the beautiful little carriage. I wouldn't have minded riding a horse but unfortunately I didn't know how. I smiled brightly feeling observing everything. The sits were made of velvet and it was so soft. I fiddled with my fingers. " Don't worry it's not to far. " The queen reassured me.

 I nodded, I hadn't given one thought to my rapping this afternoon but a as soon as I had a moment to freely think it all came rushing back. I turned myself away from the queen and softly cried. Embarrassed I was crying. I felt a small hand on my shoulder and turned back to see the queen giving me a sad smile. She lead me forward to sit by her and I did so. 

She handed me a kerchief to dry my tears. I dried them and she held my hand gently while softly patting my back. I didn't know how but it soothed me, the tears slowly stopped and I looked up. " Thanks, your tsaritsa. " I said Formally nodding my head. " Please call me Zoya. " She said brushing on last tear of my cheek. I smiled and she hugged me. 

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