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Cheng Jin never thought that he was so timid and useless. When he was close to death, he was so frightened that he fainted before the blade fell.

The time of dizziness seemed to be very long and short. He could perceive the outside world, but couldn't make any response. When he was held in his arms by someone, Cheng Jin felt a little real. When he opened his eyes, he saw the beautifully shaped chin and the Adam's apple that made his heart flutter.

He was once again saved by Lu Tao.Cheng Jin could hardly imagine how Lu Tao flew over to save him after such a long distance. He couldn't hear the shouting in his ear, and all his attention was on the man. He was carried by the man and galloped forward, and the badly injured driver followed behind. He probably saw the driver following them, so people from another sect also regarded them as enemies, and from time to time someone raised a knife and slashed at them.The sharp scythe gleams with silver, and it will definitely cause huge wounds when it cuts to the body. But Lu Tao was not afraid at all. He didn't even blink an eye. He tossed and turned, hitting those enemies to the ground with just his legs, and he didn't delay the speed at all.After a few minutes, they finally got out of the rioting circle, and Cheng Jin also saw the high-rise building of the hotel.

The stone houses of the shops on the side of the road all closed their doors, and the hotel's security guards were also on guard with advanced weapons. When they saw that Lu Tao and Cheng Jin were their guests, they opened the glass doors that were enough to prevent bullets and let them in.Cheng Jin was placed on the sofa in the lobby. He was about to speak, but Lu Tao had turned around and asked the person in charge to find someone to treat the driver. While turning on the light screen, he quickly clicked something. After a short time, there was a voice on the opposite side. Come, with a bit of shock in his tone - "This is the liaison office of the military headquarters on Planet No. 72. General Lu Tao, what are your instructions?"Lu Tao's eyes shone with indifference, and his body was powerful, just like the unsmiling soldier in the past.

He said: "The military personnel are on standby and prepare the anti-violence equipment. I will be there in fifteen minutes."

After speaking, he cut off the communication neatly, and said something to the lobby manager, and then quickly got a set of keys.Seeing his figure walking out, Cheng Jin finally came back to his senses, and hurriedly chased after him. Although his footsteps were vain, he still tried his best to grab the corner of the man's clothes. The tall man paused, and when he turned back, his eyes were so indifferent that Cheng Jin trembled, thinking he saw Lu Tao before he lost his memory.

"What's up?"Cheng Jin whispered, "Where are you going?"

"Stop the riot."

Lu Tao tore off his clothes, and the corner of the clothes that Cheng Jin grabbed was easily pulled away. Cheng Jin was stunned, "It's very dangerous outside, you..."


Leaving these two words behind, Lu Tao walked out without looking back.The security guard opened the door for him. From time to time, blood-stained people ran past. Lu Tao's back showed a firmness and determination, as if he didn't take the danger to heart at all.Cheng Jin felt a little weird, but soon comforted himself that he thought too much, and reluctantly put down his uneasy heart.After confirming that the driver's life was not in danger, Cheng Jin returned to the room, the communicator on his wrist resumed the signal again, and after a while, someone sent him a video request.It's his brother.

Cheng Jin quickly rubbed his face, and found an angle that was relatively less able to see the background, and then pressed the answer button. The light screen lit up in front of him, revealing his brother's facial features, which were full of worry. "Cheng Jin, are you on Rizhao Planet?"

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