A New Light Shines

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March's last day, and Dad was preparing to take my Grandparents to the train station 🚉. Their bags in the car, we would go to a seafood buffet, as a goodbye. My tummy had been quiet, as if, the baby 👶, was taking a siesta. A week before, Stacy had Mailani, Nia had her son, Patrick Reginald Jax, eight pounds, nine ounces. My two week old, niece and nephew 💙, were keeping Nalah up, most of the night. She swears, she would be the living dead, if it weren't for her Aunt Paisley. A sweet widow and baby nurse for forty one years. I was at my chest, looking at the treasures within. Two crocheted blankets, made with love. Booties for tiny toes warmth. The baby due in two and a half weeks. An acquaintance of my husband, telephoned me, he was coming over to introduce himself. My Grandma was still seated, when a knock at the door proceeded to the door opening. A man, white receding hairline, in a suit, before I could utter a peep, "Paul,"; he turned and answered as if, he spoke to royalty, "Good Morning, my Tribal Chief." zThe last part of March, cool and breezy. I almost dropped the pot, of cabbage. Simone ran into get her mother. Dany came and I placed my hand on the table. ",
" Nyssa, are you okay?" " I'm not sure,." " How far apart, are your pains?" " Just cramps." " How close are they?" "Since, this morning, every hour." "Are they, getting closer?" " Every forty five minutes.,," "Nyssa, you may be going into labor." ,"It's too soon, I have another couple of weeks."

Cramps, that had been going on, all day, Nyssa's cramps were getting a tiny bit stronger, and longer in length. Nyssa didn't realize

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