Misunderstandings: Liquid Solace

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"So..." Jim cleared his throat awkwardly, swirling his tumbler of whisky nervously while side eyeing the woman beside him.

She shot him a confused glare, gulping down a mouthful of scotch before asking "So, what?"

The Captain shrugged and gestured to the bar tender for a refill before swivelling his bar stool to stare directly at her.

"Just wondering what you're doing by yourself drinking hard liquor at 10am."

She snorted, "Time is an arbitrary concept in the vastness of space. Besides, you're also drinking hard liquor at 10am."

Jim smirked and chuckled into his glass, "Touché."

A few beats of silence went by before he spoke up again, "But really... everything okay, Lyra?"

Lyra sighed and took a sip of her fresh drink, "The Federation is breathing down my neck about the phenomena we encountered last week in the Delta Quadrant, Spock is being an ass and -"

"Wait, are you two fighting? What is that even like?!" The Captain asked incredulously.

She huffed, "Fighting would involve actually talking to him."

His eyebrows raised in alarm, "That bad, huh?"

"Yep." She responded, stretching the word out and making a popping sound to emphasise the 'p'.

Another beat of silence.

"Do I dare ask?" Jim wondered carefully and Lyra stared into her drink glumly, considering.

"Look, I know Spock is my First Officer and my friend," Jim added, "But you're my friend too. So if you need a sounding board..."

The words spewed out of Lyra before she even had a chance to speak, "Spock hasn't told his Dad about us."

There was yet another lengthy silence.

"Oh, holy shit." He breathed, shocked.

"Naturally it's made a hundred times worse since we have a few days of shore leave on New Vulcan soon." She explained further and he groaned, "God, what is that even going to be like? I mean, does he intend to tell his father?"

Lyra shook her head, "He said he was waiting for the right opportunity to present itself. And that he was already going against a bunch of Vulcan traditions by being with me in the first place. But it's Sarek! He married a human, after all."

"That's gotta sting." Jim said empathetically, meeting her gaze.

She nodded, her eyes glassy, "I guess I thought I was more important to him...Now I just feel like he's ashamed of being with me."

"You can't think like that, Lyra. I know Spock doesn't show it easily but I see how much he respects you. How much he adores you. I have to believe that he would never do this to knowingly hurt you." He explained, "And I think the only way you're gonna find some kind of peace with this is to talk to him."

Lyra groaned and shot him a smile, "I was afraid you were gonna say that."

"But you're probably right." She added and Jim chuckled, "I'm always right!"

She scoffed and stood from her seat, "Need I remind you of that incident with the Andorians?"

"You said you wouldn't bring that up again!" He protested before nudging her towards the door, "Now get out of here."

Lyra smiled warmly, "Thank you, Captain."

"Any time, Commander."

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