Misunderstandings: Koon-ut-la

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Lyra entered their combined quarters to find Spock reclining on the couch perusing something on his PADD, his eyes raising to meet her own.

"T'hy'la -"

"You choosing not to inform your father about our relationship has hurt me deeply." She stated bluntly.

Spock nodded in understanding and reached out his hand, "Sit with me. Please."

She hesitantly settled herself down beside him, staring down at her white knuckles apprehensively. He instantly noted the tension in her body and his fingers reached out to take hold of her hands, requesting her attention.

She met his eyes, her own glassy and despondent as she choked out, "Are you ashamed of being with me?"

His brow furrowed deeply, "That would be illogical."

A few tears left her eyes and she sniffled, vulnerably, "We have been together for almost a year and you have yet to tell your father about me. How can I not think that?"

One of his hands retreated from her own to caress her jaw, "That was never my intention, I assure you."

She huffed and retracted herself, standing and pacing the carpet restlessly, "Clearly I'm not very important to you, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue in the first place!"

"You are very important to me." He replied, his voice dropping an entire octave.

She looked at him and steeled her jaw, "You have a terrible way of showing it, Spock."

"You have misunderstood my reasons for not telling my father." Spock began, "I consider you my bond mate. My T'hy'la. To declare this to my father and my kin is seen as a proposal of marriage. However, as you are Human and I am half Human, I wished to participate in a traditional Earth proposal. It is written that this event should hold significant sentimental meaning."

Lyra gaped in shock, her face burning and shaded a deep crimson and her breath hitching as he dug into his pocket and removed a small black box.

"Oh." She said in realisation, butterflies exploding in her stomach as Spock knelt before her and lifted the lid to reveal the beautiful silver ring within.

"I would be...most pleased if you would accept my marriage request. If you choose to do so, our Bonding will be linked by a Vulcan High Priestess during the koon-ut-la, our betrothal ceremony when we arrive at New Vulcan." Spock said, his voice shaking with emotion and his warm, dark eyes hopeful.

A laugh bubbled up from Lyra's throat and amidst her joyous tears, she smiled and nodded, "I accept your request, Spock. I will gladly marry you, t'hy'la."

He smiled brightly and rose, immediately capturing her lips in a deep, long kiss.

Then he rested his forehead against her own and whispered, "You honour me, ashayam. Taluhk nash-veh k’dular." (I cherish thee)

Their fingers met in a Vulcan kiss and Lyra nuzzled his nose affectionately, "Ashau nash-veh du, k’diwa." (I love you) (k’diwa means - half of my heart and soul; beloved; love of one’s life. Used for couples)

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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