Icelands new family 2

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POV no one

"N now Iceland before you get mad it's because it was in Father's will" Norway said rubbing the back of his neck.

"FATHER WAS A BASTARD WHO LEFT ME IN AN ISLAND WITH NOTHING!! TO DIE DO YOU HAVE..... no I'm leaving that is bull shit he has no right to dictate my life." Iceland said grabbing his sword and beginning to leave.

"WAIT! Iceland wait you have been alone for so long please this could be good! Give it a chance... little brother I've really missed you. It was really hard without you here I've been so worried. And I don't just please." Norway said looking down with a worried and sad look.

Iceland sighed he thought about it. He hated new things but it was his brother. at least it wasn't a complete stranger it was his older brother. "Fine... only because you're my big brother."

"Oh yea guess who's here?" Norway said smiling.

"FINLAND?!?!" Iceland gasped.

At this point Sweden was gone to go hunting.

As Iceland walked into the stable Sweden was there bossing around Finland to get his horse set up. "FINNNNNNLAND." Iceland said running up and hugging him. He hugged back.

"Hello Iceland." He said with a smile and a pat on the others back. Sweden stared with disgust and anger.

"Iceland don't talk to him he's lower then you." Sweden said starring down at Iceland.

"What do you mean he's taller hahaha" he said laughing.

"No he's a servant. You are a noble." Sweden said arms crossed.

"He's my brother? And it doesn't matter what rank. Also he's my best friend." Iceland said rolling his eyes.

Sweden huffs. "I didn't  expect a stupid barbarian such as yourself to understand! But anyway he is serving me right now so get lost."

Iceland glared. "no you snob."

"Well I'm leaving to hunt so Finland clean my horses stable ignore the barbarian." Sweden got on the horse and left. Iceland glared at Sweden then looked at Finland.

"Wanna go hang out?" Iceland asked with hope. But Finland shook his head and pointed to the stable. Iceland sighed and nodded understanding Finland has a duty to do but sad they can't really hang out. "Tell me when your done so we can talk and hang out okay." Iceland started to walk off.

POV Iceland

Why does this Sweden person act that way! He's such a jerk man I don't understand how these ranks. Finland is a sibling we don't treat siblings differently no matter what... but I don't know... Sweden's my sibling I guess but still it's different. I don't know him... and he's mean. Man I want sleep i didn't sleep much on that boat ride. I'm tired... I think I'll take a nap right here....

POV no one

Iceland ended up falling asleep behind a tree not far from the castle. As he slept he started getting nightmares about volcanoes his dad and something else that happened with someone. So he only slept for about an hour. Before he woke up crying hugging his knees shaking. he tried to calm down but failing as he heard noises out in the woods. But he couldn't move as fear took over.

Someone soon found Iceland and slowly approached. "Are you okay barbarian? Why are you out here?" Sweden said quietly as he bent down. He was a little worried.

"Nothing g go away!" Iceland had no idea who it was or what was going on everything was blurry and dark.

Sweden how ever didn't go he grabbed his arms. "Calm yourself barbarian it is only me. Now shhhh your okay. I won't hurt you." Iceland stared at him and Sweden stared back trying to get him calm enough to get on the horse. Iceland was calmer now but couldn't calm down completely he had a lot of thoughts going through his head. Sweden picked him up and put him on the horse. Sweden didn't like how easy it was to pick up Iceland. "I'm taking you to Norway okay." He said as he got on the horse behind Iceland and rode home. Sweden didn't carry Iceland in but helped him walk. "Norway take care of your brother."

"He's your brother too- Iceland what happened!" Norway really worried for his brother. Ran up to him. As Norway ran up Iceland flinched. As Sweden saw that he knew something was up so Sweden put a hand out to stop Norway.

"Too fast calm yourself and your to loud again." Sweden said in a calm yet commanding voice. But it made Norway take a second to see how Iceland had reacted and understood. Iceland took note of what Sweden did not understanding why he protected him in away. But it did ground his thoughts so he had one thought so that Iceland was more there

POV Iceland
doesn't he hate me why did he do that.

"I'm sorry Iceland didn't mean to scare you. but what happened?"

God that took so long I was out of ideas for this one and had to really force myself to write I started at 8 it's now 10 almost 11 but it's okay I'm glad you all read and I hoped you enjoyed I may or may not writ tomorrow haven't decided... I need breaks ya know and school I may write tomorrow and Tuesday but not during finals it'll be too much.  But thank you all byeeeeee

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