Icelands new family 3

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Pov Iceland

Im fine why cant he see that. "Nothing... Its nothing norway..." He's staring with that face. Why must he question it...

"Alright Iceland come talk when your ready okay?" He sounds so worried... I just don't want him to worry im strong and independent...

"Okay..." Why is my heart racing... I don't understand...

"Why don't you and denmark start working on you fitting in a little bit better so you know more about life that happens here okay?" He's smiling heh i guess i can handle that.

Pov no one

As time past Iceland got better at fitting in but he still sometimes slipped up. He and Sweden's relationship stayed bitter. Him and denmark got closer. but it was never the same as his and norways. Iceland still held a lot from his family. except finland he talked to finn everyday nonstop. Finn listened as he worked till one day...

The year was 1808 and their was a party going on.

Pov Iceland

Today is different usually i go to finn and talk to him. but today he leaves Sweden's control and becomes the grand duchy of the russian empire.  Im happy for him. He wont have to serve sweden. Im a little sad but im glad. Its complicated. I get to go because Norway and denmark were invited. I wasn't but im not 'independent' but fins my brother so im going.

Pov no one

Iceland wore his finest cloths with Denmark's help him looked really dapper and like a cute prince. Denmark and Norway looked like powerful kings or well not really but hey they are. Sweden was wearing his fluffy cape and crown. He looked extra upset.

Then there was another there. america the newly founded america. only about 100 at the time but not even. He was there to talk about something else but was now apart of the party.

Iceland fell in love with him. As the party got going and they were at dinner. Iceland flirted with america. Then danced with america. The 2 fell in love. Or least that was what Iceland thought. he loved the other a lot. Iceland had never had a real relationship before. And didn't know but he went with america. America didn't love Iceland like Iceland thought. At first it was great. They would just have fun and cuddle or do stuff together. Iceland did send his brothers letters home. Before Iceland left. He and Sweden had gotten in an argument about finland. Iceland left the palace  bitter and angry at sweden. And what he said. Unpleasant words were said on both sides. But soon after Iceland was whisked away to live with america.

(Sensitive topics ahead tread lightly you have been warned)

Pov Iceland

Oh america has made my life so much better a lot better im sleeping im happy. He's happy. Oh i hope my brothers write back soon. its been awhile I've sent then one every month. But nothing oh but that's alright.

Pov no one

But in fact they never got sent. America never sent a single one of the letters.

Pov Iceland

Its been 2 years... Why? "Hey america?"

"What is it my icy land?" He's so nice.

"Has my brothers wrote back at all?" Maybe he-

"Im sorry but no maybe there annoyed of you." Oh maybe i do send a lot of letters.

Pov no one

It had been 3 years since Iceland left with america. And america just found out Iceland was trans and he got angry.

"You lying little... Im leaving when i get back this place better be spotless." America only got worse with more demands. Iceland continued to write letters but the more he sent the sadder he got. America was telling Iceland that his family didn't love him. That all Iceland had was him.

When Iceland didn't do what was asked of him things were thrown. He still wrote in hopes but as the 6th year rolled around he stopped. He was more tired then ever. He was force to ask premission for basic rights. and lived in constant fear of america. so he ran. He ran away into near by woods. But it didn't work america found him and brought him back. He was worse and made it harder for Iceland to leave. On the 8th year Iceland ran again and stole a boat and headed straight home.

Pov Iceland

Im f free im going home! I h hope they don't hate me i really hope... Im so tired. I cant wait to get home.

Pov no one

When he finally docked he stood on the dock. He looked around have trouble remembering what happened. He zoned out hard. Then heard a familiar voice.

Pov Norway

"Ya go put it over there, no move it over to that place." Ugh so annoying why is the people so slow. Huff it has been a long week at sea.

"N norway?" That voice...

"ICELAND OH MY THOR YOUR ALL RIGHT" he's been gone for so long. He looks... So small...

"Norway i m missed you a lot" oh no he's crying!

"Hey hey its okay Iceland your here now i got you" why is he wearing a dress why it he hurt... What. Did. America. Do. "I will kill that-!"

"C can we go h home please don't k kill him Norway I just want to go h home..." Oh no america must've really hurt him...

"You do have to ask..." He sounds so tired...

Pov no one

When they got home norway got him food a blanket and new cloths. Then took Iceland to a calm place outside. Knowing Iceland likes the outside. Soon after seeing a look off destress on Iceland's face. norway tried with success to just distract Iceland from his thoughts as he ate. It helped Iceland soon finished little amount of food. Norway gave so as to not bombard Iceland with too much. But after Iceland was done. Norway tried to get him to sleep. Although He had many questions it all would wait for another day. As Iceland fell asleep...


Sorry if its to much or if i made it to sad but im not changing it sorry if i upset anyone its not my intention i do hope you enjoyed and that ill see you next chapter. I may not do one tomorrow but you never know bye for now everyone!!!!!

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