Chapter 6: The Cat

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The next day flew by in a blur. Coraline's parents had decided to host the apartment complex for Christmas dinner this year, and with it being only six days away, the apartment was pure chaos. Presents were being hastily wrapped by her dad, and her mom was in the kitchen flipping through cookbooks, muttering to herself about the problem with having nine people in the house for dinner. Although the house was still shabbily decorated, Coraline's dad played quiet Christmas music over the small radio he had in his office. The music drifted through the air, filling the room with a little joy, and Coraline realized how much she actually did enjoy the Christmas holiday.

"I still don't like it more than Halloween." She muttered to Wybie, adding old and delicate ornaments to the shabby tree. The tree leaned slightly to the left from the weight of the ornaments, and she began to adjust her placement to balance it out.

Wybie grinned at her, handing her more ornaments to add to the tree. "What? Christmas? I mean you know I agree. Unlimited candy, horror films, the costumes... But don't worry! I've already made a list of the best horror Christmas movies to watch this week. Nightmare Before Christmas, Krampus, The Children, Gremlins-"

"I wouldn't classify Gremlins as a Christmas movie"

"If its set in December, it's a Christmas movie. Don't fight me on this one, you know I love the creepy little things." Coraline laughed, and her mom brought out hot chocolate for everyone. Sipping the drink, she looked out the window at the rapidly lowering sun.

"I'm surprised Willow hasn't come back yet for from your grandma's house. I thought she was having dinner with us again tonight because of Mrs. Lovat's Christmas party?"

Wybie looked confused, and said, "What do you mean? I thought she was with your dad wrapping presents all day. My grandma won't be back until tomorrow, there is no one to unlock the house for her." They both stared at each other and leapt up at the same time, running to Mr. Jones' office. Pushing the door open, they both stared at Mr. Jones wrapping presents alone.

He laughed, and dramatically covered the new black jacket that was clearly for Wybie. "Oh, come on guys! Don't spoil your presents, you have less than a week until you get to open them!"

Coraline stood there, heaving slightly from the dash to the office. "Where is Willow, Dad? Is she here? When did she leave?"

He sat up, dusting glitter off of his pants and responded, "What do you mean? I haven't seen that little girl all day. Probably a good thing too, I can't concentrate with all of her talking. She talks more than you did Coraline!"

Ignoring the stinging comment, Coraline slammed the door, ignoring her dad's protests. Both her and Wybie dashed upstairs, looking in each room. No Willow. They checked the gardens around the apartments, and they checked in with all of their neighbors. No Willow. Finally, the two of them collapsed on the stairs outside of the Pink Palace, defeated.

Wybie's face was in his hands, and he was carefully massaging his temples, stressed. Coraline stood up, and began to pace, unable to sit in one place for too long. She blurted, "What if she's in the woods? Maybe playing by the well? I did make it look-"

"We checked there, Coraline." He interrupted, sullen. Coraline's concern began to grow, it was unlike him to be so short with her.

"Well there has to be a solution. She can't just be gone. There is nowhere to-" Coraline turned suddenly, staring at the house in horror. She knew, deep in her gut, what had happened. Her dream hadn't been a dream. Willow must have followed them and opened the little door herself, and if that was the case, the only person who could find Willow was her.

Coraline ran back into the house, shutting the door on Wybie. She opened the door to the living room and stared in horror at the little door. The door was open, and the hammer was missing. Brick covered the door, but Coraline knew what hid behind it. Her hands balled up in anger, and she turned around, almost running into Wybie's chest.

Coraline 2: The Return of the Other MotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora