Chapter 10: The Game Begins

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As the house grew closer in their vision, Coraline was able to take in more details. The lawn surrounding the house was made of a mixture of marshmallow fluff and green licorice that resembled grass. An assortment of candies scattered the lawn, resembling fallen leaves during the fall. The house was lifted just like Mrs. Lovat's house was, but it was instead balancing on cinnamon sticks instead of pieces of wood. Fresh baked cookies filled the air, making Coraline's mouth water as she breathed in the scent. A chocolate brick pathway brought them closer to the door, and her eyes narrowed as she began to hear the sounds of a party going on inside.

Coraline reached for Wybie's hand, pulling him closer. She felt him freeze in surprise, then begin to relax into her touch. He awkwardly glanced in her direction, shifting his eyes around, attempting not to look to close. Wybie's feet appeared to dance around her, unsure whether to get closer or lean away.

Frustrated, Coraline whispered, "Wyborne! I'm trying to pull us closer to the window, so we don't just waltz in through the front door!"

"Oh. Sorry." Taking the lead, Wybie edged alongside the house, until he reached an angle that couldn't be seen from the front door. Reaching up onto the porch, he pulled himself on top, using his arms and height to make it look easy. Coraline glared from the bottom, crossing her arms.

"Okay Wyborne, no need to show off so much!" She whispered again, letting out a huff of breath that clouded into the misty air. Wybie quietly laughed and pulled her up as well. Together, they peered into the pink-stained window in front of them, taking in the party.

Everyone was there. Her dramatic and former actress neighbors, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, were singing around a piano that was playing by itself. Her other odd Russian neighbor, Mr. Bobinsky, was talking quietly to a few rats on the mantle, carefully feeding them pieces of cheese. The elves sat quietly around the Christmas tree carefully opening presents, holding up new toys and sweaters for the others to be excited about. At the center of the party, and much to her horror, was Willow, holding hands with both the Other Coraline and the Other Wybie, who were smirking at each other about the little girl's head. But the most horrific thing that caught Coraline's attention was not the guests, but the host. Sitting on a grand chair in the middle of the room, watching the party unfold, was the Beldam. She had exchanged her Christmas sweater for an elegant red gown that reached her sharp, black heels, and her hair was tossed up into a high bun, displaying emerald earrings in the shape of beetles. A long cord hung around her neck, disappearing into the top of her dress. If it weren't for her ferocious glare and their horrific history, Coraline would almost think she looked beautiful.

"Is that... that can't be. Is that me?" Wybie interrupted her thoughts, and she turned her head to see him staring at the Other Wybie. His hands curled into a fist, and he glanced at the marks on Coraline's neck that must have darkened even more. Wybie's face grew still, and Coraline grabbed his arm to keep him from standing.

"Now isn't the time. We can deal with those two later. We first just need to get Willow out of this party so we can get her home safely." Coraline stared into his eyes, willing Wybie to hear her. He carefully nodded, his eyes glowing in anger and frustration.

He then sighed, ducking his head and rubbing his hair. Quietly, he added, "No, you're right. Of course. And Coraline? I'm not trying to steal your moment of revenge when we do have the opportunity, but—"

"But what?"

"But if that thing ever comes near you with a smirk on his face, I will make sure that one of us will be putting this rod through his head."

She stared at him, shocked. His eyes were stone cold, and he squeezed her hand once. More softly, to the point where Coraline had to lean in closer to hear each syllable, Wybie vowed, "I will never see you hurt like that again Coraline. I don't think I could bear it."

Coraline 2: The Return of the Other MotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ