Chapter 11: The Truth About Alice

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Sunlight beamed in through the window of Wybie's room. Coraline stretched, breathing in the smell of pine all around her. Her head sunk deeper into the pillow, and she wrapped her body up even tighter in the blanket on his bed. Everything felt foggy, and for once, she felt at peace. The sound of clinking dishes and quiet humming began to stir her from sleep, and she carefully pulled herself up onto her elbows, one eye open. Every muscle in her body ached, as if she had been hit by Wybie's bike multiple times. With a groan, Coraline pulled herself all the way up, rubbing her eyes as she looked around the room.

Wybie's room was an organized mess, one that only she understood. Papers and books were stacked everywhere, and the bookshelves against his wall were overflowing with books and collected objects. Posters and pictures were taped to the ceiling haphazardly, and Coraline could make out photos of her in-between record covers of his favorite bands. She was home.

As her toes began to feel for the worn in carpet, Coraline stared at her arms, which were covered in fresh bandages and random horror movie Band-Aids. Her fingers twisted, highlighting the Freddy Kruger Band-Aid wrapped around her thumb. Everything came back to her in a rush. Coraline leapt out of bed, grabbing clothes out of his dresser to put on. She was already wearing Wybie's favorite Nirvana t-shirt, and she threw a heavy black sweater on top of it to stay warm. She grabbed a jacket from his closet and pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail. Reaching under the bed, she pulled out a pair of jeans she had left at the house months ago.

Looking into the mirror, Coraline saw what must have horrified Wybie the whole time. She looked injured and weak; her skin paler than usual. Dark circles covered her eyes, reminding her of a sad raccoon, and the bruise around her neck circled all the way around, looking like a choker. Carefully, without making a noise, Coraline grabbed Wybie's old mask he had used as a child, and she rushed for the door, ready to greet the button-eyed version of Mrs. Lovat that was surely in the next room.

Tiptoeing carefully, she peered out the doorway, seeing the back of the Other Mrs. Lovat's head sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of tea. Oddly enough, the house looked the same, covered in doilies and flowery furniture. Photographs of her and Wybie were scattered throughout the room and pots full of plants covered almost every surface. Holding the mask above her head, she edged out of the room, ready to slam it on the monster's head.

"You really don't want to do that my dear." The Other Mrs. Lovat turned, smiling at Coraline, with no button eyes to be seen. Coraline froze, still holding the mask above her head.

"You—you aren't one of them?"

"No of course I am not. Now will you put that horrific mask down and come take a seat? We have a lot to discuss and not much time."

Coraline stared at her and carefully walked around the love seat, reaching for a cup of tea.

"Now excuse me Coraline, I didn't think you would forget your manners in such a short time." Coraline nodded, and then proceeded to fill Mrs. Lovat's cup first before taking a hesitant seat on the floral couch, ready to run at any given moment. Mrs. Lovat took a long sip of her tea, staring off into the woods.

"It seems you've gotten yourself in quite a pickle. And the fact that you've managed to do it twice in the span of only a few years is not only astounding, but a bit remarkable if I am being honest." Coraline sat silently, trembling, and brought the cup of tea to her lips. She didn't know how to respond. It didn't feel remarkable to her.

"I know how you think dear. Always putting all of the weight of the world on your shoulders, thinking no one will understand the decisions you have to make. Well, quite frankly, it sounds like bullshit to me."

Coraline almost spit out her tea in shock, "Mrs. Lovat you can't say things like—"

"You can say whatever you want when you get to my age. Now, why would you go and make another deal with that monster?"

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