the nightmare

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michael POV

i was on a helicoper a chinook to be exact

it was me, loona and samuel i didnt  know why we were there i just went with it, all of the sudden blitzo's voice comes over a intercom

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it was me, loona and samuel i didnt  know why we were there i just went with it, all of the sudden blitzo's voice comes over a intercom

blitzo: it going to explode we cant stop it... loona if you here this, goodbye

a bright flash is seen and a mushroom cloud forms and the shockwave brings down the helicopter

i look around the crash site as the nuclear explosion cosumes the area i collapse to the ground and lie up against a wall i see samuel and loona both unconsious, but i see a figure in the distance he gets closer and i say

michael: no it cant be

mikhail: hello michael, its been a while

michael: i shot you

mikhail: thats not important, what is important is taking  what is dear to you

he shoots samuel in the head

michael: NO!

mikhail: oh that wasnt nearly painful enough

he shoots loona

michael: you sick bastard, i will kill you

mikhail: in your dreams , oh wait we are in your dreams. anyway i just wanted to let you know, im back, consider this a fair warning

he walks away...

i wake up in a panic

loona wakes up

loona: whats wrong

michael: HE'S BACK!

loona: could you not shout, who is back

michael: mikhail he's back

loona: dont be paranoid he's dead

michael: fair point

loona: now go back to sleep

michael: ok

i go back to sleep

3rd pov

a figure watches them from a opposite rooftop

mikhail: they'll never know

striker:how do you know  you just visited his dreams with that weird device and told him your back

mikhail: he thinks we are dead

striker: good point

mikhail now lets keep looking through the multiverse for more people like us

striker: i know a place

the soilder in hell part 3Where stories live. Discover now