he's back

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loona: so he is back

michael: yeah and i dont know if we can find him this time, he will be illusive now since his defeat

blitzo: we defeated him before we we'll do it again

richtofen and everyone else walks in and they sit down and blitzo lets michael speak infront of everyone about the situation

michael: you may be wondering why i had blitzo call you here, we are in danger from an old enemy of mine by the name of mikhail he is a evil version of myself and a menace to hell, 

michael shows pictures of mikhails reign in the alternate hell

michael: he put imps in labor camps and commited genocide of other native groups, he also killed all of hells royalty exept a few who became loyal to him, i thought i killed him back in '83 but he must have had some sort of plan to survive

mason: this guy sounds like someone who must be killed

michael: he is

moxxie: this should be easy since it went so smoothly last time

michael: i dont know he seems to have elite soilders at his command and god knows what else ,so we need a army

hudson: and where do you suppose we get that

adler:yeah its not like you can just move across universes and find people

michael had a moment of silent thinking and remembered he has a map of the multiverse and might be able to find people from those universes

millie: you ok?

michael: im fine and i also just had the greatest idea ever

the soilder in hell part 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora