the idea

4 0 0

(i just added music because i wanted to there is literally no other purpose to it)

(there are also new plot points to the story so it might be a bit confuseing)

michael: ok heres the plan we go to the other universes and get other people who will help us defeat this menace we go to other universes and recruit people who would help

blitzo: ok thats all well and good but how do you know where to go

michael: thats just it i dont

blitzo: but we know someone who can

michael: your going to call richtofen over arent you

blitzo: yep

the phone operator picks up the phone and asks blitzo who he is calling

blitzo: I.M.P research facility, greed ring

phone operator: please hold

richtofen: hello

blitzo: we need you over here at the main office

richtofen: i'll be right over

richtofen then turns to his scientist friends

richtofen: you all have the rest of the day off

(author: ok so let me clear some things up before we continue the whole of I.M.P only gathers for important meetings now the original 4 ,michael and samuel stay in imp city while I.M.P has a special research facility ran by richtofen while mason,hudson,adler,takeo,nikolai and dempsey are all in pentagram city in the branch of I.M.P known as S.A.O or special assasination operations bassically I.M.P special forces)

2 hours later

richtofen: sorry im late traffic was hell

michael: that was a bad joke 

richtofen: i know it was, and im proud of it

another 45 minutes of explaining and richtofen giving a scientific answers later

samuel runs out and tells everyone that while trying to find something he saw a small crack in the middle of the hallway where he heard a voice say hello

michael:should i worry about that?

richtofen: yes it could mean space and time in this universe is so fucked up that it has created rifts

michael: we must move quick

richtofen: killing mikhail will be our best way to save this universe.

the soilder in hell part 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora