Chapter 9 rita is trying to destroy this earth

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Just Rita started to attack this earth but prince sprocket is a good guy now because he land on this earth where is a spy for this Zordon but he remembered the original world of power rangers. Also then the nine rangers heard the alarm that Rita attack this earth then the nine rangers said it's Morphin time dragon zord, tiger zord,  Pterodactyl, Pterodactyl,  Mastodon, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Triceratops then they all morph into their ranger form and teleport to angel grove.  Then the white recognized prince sprocket and started to attack him but then prince sprocket said Tommy aka Zeo red  I am a good guy now not a bad guy. Ok said Tommy aka the white ranger. Prince sprocket said  I been spy for this earth Zordon because this Rita is tough than the other Rita from the original world of power rangers.
Also then Rita sends her monsters out just then the ronin warriors started fighting the monsters. Then the green ranger aka Yuma said prince sprocket get to safe aka the commander centre and prince sprocket said ok and he aka prince sprocket teleport to the commander centre.
Then the ronin warriors said we will defeat you monsters and I think not said the monsters.
Then the ronin warriors use their weapons on the monsters and the monsters get defeated by the ronin warriors.
Just then the ronin warriors said we are going to the commander centre aka power chamber too and they teleport to the commander centre. 
Just then the nine rangers got attacked by the putties but the rangers started to defeat the putties and started to attack Rita but then she decided to make more putties and then the rangers defeat all the putties. 
She aka Rita was so mad and she started to strike all nine rangers but then the rangers called their weapons from the original world of power rangers and this site didn't like it.
End of chapter 9

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