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One day in angel grove there is a Zordon from 2017  who was the red ranger in Dino time . Then Rita repulsa was the original green ranger in the Dino time and kill the whole team except Zordon . Zordon scream , "no why I lost the zeo crystal and Rita  killed  my whole team".   Then years later Billy Cranston from 2017 just had class as a normal student .  He is the only one who don't have detention and very super nice to other people in the school .  Few minutes later he started to get memories from his original self from the original world of power rangers.  He started saying ," I am power ranger I was Aquitar with the alien rangers and now I am in school again ." "What what" said , the people of angel grove .  He said, "where is the others that I remember from the original world of power rangers?"

End of prologue chapter

what I'f the power rangers movie 2017 was the original rangers from 1993 Where stories live. Discover now