Chapter 1

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Anonymous String Chapter 1

Novel by: NightInVioletArmor

"Do I really need to move?" One of the main characters said through his phone while zipping his suitcase. It's been weeks since that reunion and his meeting with those siblings. Yes, he somewhat misses them ---- ONLY THE BABY NOT THAT... THAT-...

Moving on, his grandmother Ellisa, the mother of Autumn, called him this morning and made him pack his things up immediately with undefined reasons. He doesn't get why he panicked and rushed so he didn't understand the reason why. Too much caffeine in the morning makes him a shit indeed. That's why he called his grandmother again for clarity. He is almost good to go so yeah.

"Yes" how short, shorter than my essay, kidding. Viktor sighed and massaged his temple

"And why is that? I'm already living all by myself, I don't think I need something more especially moving" Ever since his family died, the Lumierè, which his mother side, took care of him. But when he turned 16, he left his family and lived alone. But that doesn't mean that he cut all his contacts on this family. Just left to be independent. His grandmother Ellisa is his far relative, she is his mother's auntie. Yet, she's mostly the one who lend him some financial help when he started being autonomous.

"That's the point dear, you're living alone. So perhaps you can live with somebody-"

"Hell na-"

"-and teach that bich how to be independent like you" That moment made him think. What will be his decision? Yes or no? Can he have the option 'or' instead? It's hard to decide especially you gonna live with somebody he did not know.

"Teach? Like, I can do anything I want to lecture this dude?" don't get confused, the dude in his vocabulary refers to all genders

"Yes, if it's necessary" That made his lips curve to form a smirk. However, he still can't decide which to pick

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