Chapter 2

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Anonymous strings chapter 2

Novel by: NightInVioletArmor

Read at your own risk!!!

"Mom, do I really need to? It's too hassle to pack and such. Can I just stay here in this house?" He pouts while doing puppy eyes. However, it seems his mother just stared at him with a grimace and unfazed eyes.

"No, you..." The pink-haired mother hold her child on his shoulder tightly "Must.." then shook him one time yet assertive "Go. Do you understand?" she asked him politely with a hint of threat. Add that sharp glare she threw on his poor son

Hank the hapless son had no choice but to nod his head. His mother is scary.... and manipulative. But ho-hey she's doing it for her family, especially her children.

The lad went back to his room and pack things up. While filling a realization hits him like a brick. "Why do I need to pack if I can just buy?" He facepalms on his face "Work smarter, not harder" he mumbles and lessen his clothes. Just bringing the most important and treasured things that he doesn't want to leave alone.

After a while, the lad zipped his duffle bag, and he yawn. Yet before he could fall asleep he chat with a certain person. Let's just say he met this individual in RPW aka roleplay world. That world or some sort of fantasy world that was created inside the internet. Some knew about this because they are seniors or oldies, or knew about it as a cringe and toxic world. And some just heard about it but didn't pay attention to it. For Hank, RPW is his paradise, especially with this person whom he likes to talk with.

"Hey babe~"

"Babe your ass, let me remind you that we're still dating"

"Babe that was months ago, you gave me your sweet yes in April"

"So? ==) I can take it back"

":< No"




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