Chapter 3

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Anonymous strings chapter 3

Novel by: NightInVioletArmor

"So let me get this straight. Grandma Ellisa 'forced' you to move out from your old apartment to the new house with erm... our uncle Hank?" A girl who has jet black hair and vibrant chocolate eyes. She was called Eloiselle. Eloiselle Eclipse Lumière-Base, Viktor's adopted sister/far cousin. Married happily with her husband.

Let's make it a short exposition of how Viktor and Eloiselle turned into adopted siblings.

As we all know Viktor lives alone and got no more family due to an accident. Eloiselle's mother, Zeiannah, and her father, Elias. Adopted Viktor because he needs a family to be part of. He needs care and affection from a family. The whole clan agreed on this and let Viktor keep Novikov as his surname.

"Yeah... I understand Grandma that wants me to live at least with someone. But you know... WHY HIM-" he instantly covered his mouth so it won't draw people's attention "In hundreds of family members, in billion of human beings living in this world, why the fuck him that I should live with?!" Viktor visibly clenched his fist out of vexation. He couldn't bear that guy's guts. Like, he wanna beat him up to pulp! Especially what he did weeks ago in their second meeting at the bar!

A flashback of them in next morning after he got drunk and passed out flashed in his mind. Due to his paleness, a light tint of rosiness was visibly plastered on his face. He shook his head to get rid of his reflections and blush.

"I more expected that she'll make Autumn live with you. I mean, you know, you two seem good together back on the reunion" Eloiselle commented as the lad scoffed.

"Yeah I like Autumn to be my roommate but Autumn is still a baby to be my roommate" he rolled his eyes. Eloiselle doesn't wanna debate. 'He'll see anyways' she thought.

"That's been 4 weeks, right? So how's your life living with him?"

"To be honest, it's quite okay. We've compromised some tasks of what we gonna do. I'll do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and some kinds of stuff while he does fixing those broken things like the busted machine or something."

"Eh? Ain't the things inside your house new? Does it mean he's doing nothing these past weeks?"

" Not really " he chuckles.


"Get it?" Viktor crossed his arms. He just finished explaining their task in the house. Hank once tried to clean, cook, and do the laundry yet it all failed. Viktor has to clean it all over again. And today is the day they gonna designated which task will be placed on both of them.

"So technically I'll do nothing aside fixing those electronic things and all?" Viktor nods.

"How easy since everything here is new, deal" Hank chuckles. So dumb and didn't even think anything coming.

"Good. Your task," he shows the blender that was hiding on his back. He suddenly throws it on the wall causing it to smash and break down "will start now. Have a great day Mr. Lumiere."

[End of flashback]

"Oh yeah, after you met uncle Hank in the bar, what happened next?" She slices a bit of her strawberry shortcake and eats it. Presently, they are at the small cafe near the mall. It's just 20 mins ride back to his house. Eloiselle called Viktor last night to ask for a meet-up at lunchtime. Viktor grunted. Now his sister cited that morning. He looked up at her, taking a deep breath before narrating to her what happened.

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