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Montreal, QC, Canada. December 9th, 2013, 11:30 AM.


I slowly open my eyes and take a look at my surroundings. I'm in Alex's bedroom, once again. I shoot a quick glance at the clock. 11:30. Fuck. I start working at nine on Mondays, and it is Monday. I'm in deep trouble.

I quickly get up and hurriedly put on my underwear and pants, and pick up one of Alex's shirts. I stumble down into the living room and see Alex tiredly sitting on the couch, zapping through the channels on the TV.

"What the fuck?" I yell at him. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"W-what? For what?" he stutters.

"I fucking work at nine, and you know it! You just thought it would be funny to make me miss my shift, and most probably lose my job?"

"No, I didn't- I didn't know you worked so early," he apologizes in a low voice, looking down, obviously feeling bad.

At the sight of him feeling like that because of me, I calm myself down and my gaze on him softens. I made him feel that way.

I carefully approach him and sit down on the other end of the couch. "Sorry," I whisper, unsure if he heard it.

"It's okay," he clears his throat, "I should've woken you up."

"No, it's not your job to do that, it's okay. I'm really sorry, though," I frown worriedly, "I just didn't think you'd react the way you did."

"How did you expect me to react? By yelling back at you?" he frowns. "Wouldn't have helped, at all."

"I don't know, I just... didn't think you cared," I say in an unvoluntarily low tone.

"Well, I do," he swallows, his light blue eyes staring deeply into my green ones, making me want him, and not only for sex ; I want him for love. I want to love him, and I want him to love me. And, for merely a split second, while gazing into his irises, I feel like I see something that doesn't just feel nor look like lust. It looks like... love, or perhaps more like care.

"Why?" I breathe out, on the edge of breaking down because of my uncertainty, and the prohibition of grabbing his face and kissing him, because it would say it all, betray my words ; it would allow him into me.

"Because I-" he starts, but gets cut off by the loud slam of a door.

We both instinctly turn around, and I notice a young blonde woman standing there. At first, I'm afraid it's his real girlfriend - not the toy he uses only for sex - but then, I see her smile widely.

"Oh God," Alex mutters under his breath. "Uh, Anna, this is Megan. Megan, this is my sister, Anna," he announces as I let a loud sigh of relief escape my mouth.

He gets up and greets her with a hug.

"I've heard about you," she announces once they've separated.

"You did?" I ask, my voice shaking in the process.

"Yeah, well, I mean, you're his girlfriend," she chuckles. "He didn't really reveal a lot of information about you, because that's about all I know."

"Alex told you that?" I ask, standing there, simply astonished and surprised that I'm still able to speak.

"Yeah, he did," she replies slowly, her voice showing she doesn't understand why I'm acting this way.

I look up at the both of them. Anna is looking at her brother, dumbfounded, while Alex is staring at the ground, undoubtedly ashamed.

"Of course, right," I shoot her a fake smile. "I just didn't think he would tell you yet," I shrug, trying to act it off, even though I'm still breathless just by thinking of the fact that Alex talked about me to his sister.

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