32 - part two

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February 5th, 2014, 10:20 PM. Montreal, QC, Canada.


I watch as Vicky, Alex's girlfriend, talks about how Alex and her met. As if we hadn't already heard that story.

Bitch. [a/n: jerk. (I really love you if you get that reference!!!!)]

I roll my eyes as I down another shot. A few shots and beers have also been downed by Alex, so that's good, but that's none of my business. I just have to wait for now.

"Well, I really gotta go to the bathroom," Emma says, slowly approaching the edge of the booth we're sitting in.

Oh God, this is where it could all go wrong.

"Vicky, do you wanna come with me? Please?" Emma asks, smiling. I know it's a fake smile, though.

The bitch narrows her eyes at Emma, but nods and follows her to the bathroom. This is where I come into action.

I watch from the corner of my eye as Megan takes long strides towards our table, but not too close, and puts her back to us.

"Hey, Megan!" I shout.

She turns around (that part was only for a more dramatic effect) and looks at Nathan, Alex and I. She smiles and approaches our table.

"What are you doing here?" Megan asks.

"We were just chilling. What were you doing?" Nathan replies.

"Oh, just here for a fun night out with some friends. Some of them have already left, though, so I was just having fun up on the dance floor."

"Great," I say quickly. "Well, I'm going to go get some shots."

Nathan throws me a look from the side. "Wanna come with me?" I ask him.

"Of course, we'll just be right back," Nathan says, and I see him raising his eyebrows repeatedly at Alex.

I chuckle and we leave the table to actually go order shots.

First part of the plan is done, now we've only got to wait for the second and pray that everything is going well on Emma's side.

Nathan and I watch from the bar as Megan very obviously draws Alex in.

"It's very awkward to be watching them," Nathan admits. "But at least, we know our plan is working."

I look away and make awkward eye contact with my teammate. "Yep. Definitely awkward, but effective, right?"

"Of course."

Nathan and I stop watching, only glancing occasionally towards the bathrooms and towards our table to make sure everything's okay. After about two minutes, I see Megan get up and drag Alex with her onto the dance floor.

Part three, here we go.

Nathan and I slowly walk back to the booth, making sure to avoid Megan and Alex on the way. I text Emma, telling her they can come back now. Megan throws a look our way, and I nod. I watch as her eyes dart towards Emma and Vicky, who are exiting the bathrooms. As soon as Vicky is back to the table, she starts looking for Alex.

"Where is he?" she asks frantically.

"I think he went up on the dance floor," Nathan says nonchalantly.

"Yeah, you should go dance with him," I approve.

Vicky glares at all three of us, but gets up anyway and goes to where Alex is. Only, when she sees him kissing Megan, his hands roaming around her body, she starts fuming. I swear, I could almost see the smoke coming out of her nose.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Vicky shouts. "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

But Alex keeps on kissing Megan, almost as if he couldn't hear his own girlfriend losing her shit only a few metres away from them. Vicky gets closer to them and smacks Alex upside the head. That finally makes him let go of Megan.

"Oh, are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" Vicky snarls sarcastically. Alex opens his mouth, but his girlfriend doesn't let him talk. "Actually, you don't need to introduce us, because I'm leaving. We're over."

Even now, she's shouting so loudly that we can still hear her at the table.

"The plan sure worked," Emma remarks, smirking. I love when she smirks. It's so cute and I just want to kiss her whenever she does it.

So I do press my lips on hers, and she deepens the kiss. Just as she starts getting closer to me, Nathan interrupts us.

"Guys, you know I'm here too, right?"

Emma and I part. "Shut up, Nate," I say.

"Wait, look at Megan and Alex," Emma points at them. "Seems like they're arguing."

"Even if they don't get back together, we still managed to break up Alex and Vicky," Nathan reassures. "But I'm sure they will get together."

I nod in agreement. If there's one thing I know, it's that Megan and Alex are in love, even though they won't admit it. It may have faded and it may have hurt a lot in the past month, but they still love each other, I can tell.

Which is why, as Emma, Nathan and I prepare to leave the club, Megan and Alex are already on their way, exiting the building in a hurry.

Well, I guess someone's getting laid tonight, right?

[sorry guys I forgot to update yesterday but here it is now!! love you all!]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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