32 - part one

189 11 4

Montreal, QC, Canada. February 5th, 2014, 9:30 PM.


I take one last look at myself in the mirror before glancing at Emma again for her approval. She nods at me as a response.

I exit the room, feeling more self-conscious about what I'm wearing than I would've in the same outfit a few months ago.

"Wow," a manly voice exclaims. "You look great, Meg'."

"Thanks, Nate," I say before reaching forward to hug him.

"God, I hope this plan works," Brendan prays. "Or else, we're screwed."

"If it doesn't work, you're only screwed," I warn. "But I'll have no dignity left."

"It's not that bad, Megan," Emma tries to comfort me. At least she's trying.

"Would you do it?" I defy, mildly glaring at her.

"You're right, I wouldn't, but we're also two very different people."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, a bit offended.

"Nothing! Nothing, just that I know you used to do this type of thing before, and I just—"

Emma stops herself from talking. At first, I don't know what's happening, but then I look down and notice Brendan's holding her hand. A small smile creeps onto my face despite the awful situation.

"Let's go," Nathan encourages. "We can do this. You can do this."

"Like hell I can," I roll my eyes. "Come on, Em, Gally."

On that note, we all leave my apartment and find ourselves jammed up in Emma's car, on our way to the club.

I feel like this may not be as good of an idea as I first thought it was, I think.

I stay silent the whole way there. I'm scared, and I just hope everything will go for the best. Damn it... that's actually a really bad idea, isn't it?

"Guys..." I start. "I don't think it's going to work. I mean, really?"

"Come on, Megan, just... trust us. It will work and you will end up getting Alex back," Emma reassures me.

I sigh. "I swear, you're not going to live this up if it doesn't work."

"It will," Emma whispers. "It will."

"Hey," Nathan says from the front. "We're here."

"Oh god."

"Come on, Meg, you can do this," Brendan tries to calm me down.

"Yeah, just shut up."

I open the car door and start walking towards the building, careful not to slip on my heels, because that would be the kind of thing that could happen right now with my luck. Once I'm in the club, I head directly for the bar and order a shot of their strongest stuff. Once I down it, I start scanning the crowd with my eyes. I can't see Alex yet, so he might have not gotten here in time.

I see Emma give me a thumbs up from the other side of the club. Brendan, Nathan and herself are all watching and waiting for Alex to come.

And there he is.

He enters the club easily, a few women's heads turning as he passes by. I understand these women, as I am just as mesmerized by him. He's wearing a black shirt and a pair of jeans, simple but effective. He doesn't see me just yet. Instead, he finds my three friends, and that's when I see the bitch.

And by the bitch, I mean Alex's girlfriend. I don't even know her name, all I know is that she's a bitch.

And we're going to destroy her.

[I'm back??]

[It's been so long!! I don't even know if anyone's going to read this! But if you do, thank you. I love you all!!!!]

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