How many Chibiusas exist?

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Note: This is derived from the above linked video.

Writing time travel plot-lines can be tricky, especially when one of your characters is from the future.

So let's talk about Chibiusa.

In the Black Moon Arc we are introduced to Chibiusa, who ends up in modern Tokyo by running away from her future home... except the future Tokyo she comes from never technically occurs because she alters the timeline by time-traveling. From the timeline Chibiusa came from, it appears that only the Dark Kingdom arc occurs AND that the Sailor Senshi's powers never actually grow either.

So then Chibiusa goes back home by the end of the Infinity arc... just to reappear again. However, this actually cannot be the first Chibiusa that escaped future Tokyo because the Chibiusa that comes back is actually from the timeline in which both The Dark Kingdom and The Black Moon arcs take place. One could say "but it's the same Chibiusa because she's the one who travels to modern Tokyo, back home, and then modern Tokyo again!!"

Well... not necessarily. Why? Because Infinity Arc Chibiusa doesn't even know the outer senshi exist. So either

1) Neo Queen Serenity never told her own daughter about the Outer Senshi in the first timeline


2) In the first timeline, only the Dark Kingdom arc took place and Sailor Saturn never awakened and Uranus/Neptune never came in contact with them

So maybe Neo Queen Serenity knew about the outers but decided to withhold that information from Chibiusas because if Chibi knew then maybe the timeline would be altered in a non-desired way. OKAY, but then why send her into potential danger anyways? How could have future Usagi known that the timeline would play out perfectly? (Okay, a crack theory: what if Neo Queen Serenity/Usagi is a psychic? oooooo)

Anyways, I actually got way to confused writing this so now I am actually unsure or whether or not the Chibiusa that returns in the Infinity arc is the same one from the first timeline. Personally, I believe that there are multiple Chibis.

What do y'all think?

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