Chapter One: Hope!

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Ene floated around her computer with boredom creeping up on her. She had a thought of Haruka, "Will he ever come back to me?" She mumbles out loud. "Negma?" A dumbfound voice spoke pointed towards her computer. The albino Konoha, interrupting her thoughts, caught Ene off guard. "B-Baka stop scaring me like that!" Ene shouted at the clueless friend. "Ene-chan, where can I find Negma?" He spoke looking like he was going to starve.

"The dan will be back soon from shopping. I thought they already told you that." Ene rolled her eyes as Konoha looked at her expecting she would make them return home sooner. "If you need something to tie you over then go snack on something." Konoha started staring at her intently. "Ene-chan. Are you called something else besides Ene?" Konoha looked puzzled with saying this question, still staring. "W-well I am, but it's none of your business."

"T-Tak no." He mumbles while still staring.

Ene's heart skipped a beat. Who told him my real name! Was it shintaro? No. Does he know I'm Takane, or is this lucky guess? Is he regaining his memories?! Only one way to find out the truth, "Konoha. I will give you Negma if you tell me what name I thought I was called by."

"Takane. Can I get Negma now?"

"Where did you hear that name?"

"Mmmnnn." With that long pause Ene knew that he must be regaining his memories. He obviously didn't know the name's owner, well in the past.

Ene wanted Konoha to say her name again. He had that soft clueless voice like Haruka had.

She wished he would remember her. She longed for a warm hug from her beloved friend. All she needed was Haruka back in her life. She wondered if she could get him back tonight before the dan returned home.

There are 3 hours until they may get back she thought. If I could somehow get him to remember me I could die happy. Ene reached out and touched the screen of shintaro's computer. She wanted to get back to her old body but like haruka's they both had weak bodies that couldn't be healed.

She decided to gamble on something. What if I could get Haruka back to his old body then back into his new one and regain his memories!!!

That would be extremely dangerous though. Last I saw his body it was in a hospital on life support. I shouldn't go for that. If I could get back into mine I could handle better than his. Takane hatched a plan. I could get Konoha to take me to my body and I could try and spark his memory with that!!

"Alright I'll get you more Negma if you can take me somewhere." Ene said to him kindly. The white haired friend scratched his head thinking. "Where?" He said bluntly.

"I'll lead you there if you can get me onto a phone." Ene pointed to shintaro's phone. He rarely left it at home so she was fortunate to find such a thing. She found herself on the phone calling to Konoha. "Alright, we must leave the house to get to the place. "

Konoha picked up the phone and stepped out the door. He followed Ene's commands and they found themselves in the lab where their bodies where. Ene flew around the phone's screen loving the chance of getting her Haruka back.

"Alright put the phone over there." She pointed towards the giant tank with her body in it. He followed commands and placed the phone near it. "Turn around and don't look back until I say so." He followed commands again, like a dog.

She hacked into the system and started the sequence to get her body back. She had done this before but not by herself. She found herself in her body.

Breathing and back to normal. It felt nice to be back into her body. She found her spare uniform and put it on. She was surprised that Konoha listened well to her.

She cracked her neck side to side, getting use to having to feel weight for once. She tapped Konoha's shoulder. "Hey, you may turn around now," she said her voice sounding less pixelated. Konoha turned around and stepped back a little, almost shocked.

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