Chapter 3: Konoha: protector or murderer?

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A couple rays of sunlight caught Takane's face. She was annoyed by the light and woke up. She looked through the blinds of the window and saw the sun coming up, orange and in its glory.

She shifted slightly and felt something on her stomach. She looked down and saw a hand; it was pale so she thought it was konoha's.

She still freaked out and blushed madly. She also noticed konoha was hugging her. Konoha hated the feeling of loosing his friends, he always wanted to stay with them wherever they went. She thought Konoha didn't want her to get up without him. So she tapped his shoulder facing him.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked almost shocked with the red face staring at him. He stood up out of bed rubbing his eyes in protest for the bright sun. He picked Takane up out of bed and led her out the door.

"Put me down Konoha!" Takane said tugging on his clothes.

"Owe that hurts Taka-chan!" The two where greeted with Kido cooking up breakfast for the dan. No one was up besides Seto and her.

"'Morning you two!" Seto said smiling at the half-asleep pair.

"Ohayou!" Konoha said still refusing to put down Takane.

"Put me down Konoha!" Takane complained crossing her arms.

"Put her down Konoha, you'll get extra food!" Kido said frying bacon in a pan. Konoha listened and put her down. Takane brushed off her clothes as if they where dirty.

"Takane can we play a game?" Asked konoha looking down at her.

"After breakfast." She said getting out plates for the food Kido was making. She set the table as Konoha watched blindly.

"Konoha you don't need to stand and wait, come sit down over here!" Seto greeted him with a friendly smile. Konoha sat down on the couch next to his smiling friend. Jolly Seto started chatting with his friend.

Kido was almost done with the breakfast, eggs, bacon and pancakes! Kano sniffed the air with delight. He was followed by Momo who started chatting with Seto and Konoha.

"How long until the food is ready, Kido~!" Kano chirped at her.

Kido gave him a glare and responded. " in a couple minutes, go be useful somewhere that isn't here." Takane in her head was laughing at her response.

"Awwww, hey Kido don't be so mean." He frowned in disappointment and left to chill in the small yard they had.

All the food was ready to eat and was set to have an awesome breakfast. Everyone dug down accept Takane, she was skeptical about Kido's cooking. "Hey why you ain't eating?" Kido said.

Immediately Takane stuffed herself. It was amazing! She didn't think Kido was such a good cook! Takane's face showed a slight expression of being shocked. Kido smiled and everyone continued eating.

After everyone was done , they did their own thing. Momo had to attend a concert so she went out. Mary went for a walk with Kano and Hibiya. Shintaro went to his house surfing the web. The only people home were, Seto, Takane, Kido and Konoha.

Takane sat down on the couch and Kido and Seto cleaned up the kitchen. Konoha went to his room intent with his full stomach.

Once Kido and Seto was done, Seto joined Takane on the couch and started to chat. Kido went to her room as the two chatted.

After a half an hour of chatting Konoha came out of his room. He wanted even more food. Seto told a funny joke and Takane laughed as Konoha was walking past them. He stopped behind Takane, out of sight.

Seto thought he wanted something to eat."Are still hungry? I can cook something quick for yah if you like. I'm not as good as Kido, but I assure you-" he was cut off by Konoha picking him up by the neck with one hand. Konoha felt something strange, something driving him to stop Seto from making Takane laugh.

Takane ran towards Konoha. "What are you doing let him down Konoha!" Konoha didn't listen. The helpless attempts of Seto trying to breath continued. "BAKA!" Takane screamed and slapped Konoha on his left cheek.

He dropped Seto to the floor and Kido came running from her room to catch him in time. "Seto!" He was limp in Kido's arms, he was now breathing. Alive.

"What are you doing Konoha! You almost killed Seto! B-BAKA!" Her eyes were showing no sign of kindness, back to her normal self. Glaring at Konoha she kept lecturing him.

Konoha registered nothing besides the angry face on Takane. He touched his cheek and his mouth was opened, showing slight shock. When Takane called him a "Baka" something lit up in his head. He heard this from someone with the exact same tone, but who.

"Are you even listening to me!!?!" Takane grabbed his left cheek, he felt a bit of nostalgia. She pinched his cheek and dragged him to his room with him complaining saying it hurts.

She shoved him inside his room and Takane sat with her back to the door not letting Konoha get free. Kido barely carried Seto to his room as Takane guarded the strangler's door.
Why did Konoha do this? He looked almost mad.

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