Act 1-1 : The Start

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Its still 9 in the morning, and we could see Alex is working with a radio she find earlier in a abandoned base.

"Come on...find something" She muttered to herself.

After a while her radio picks up a signal, a signal from 2 sources.

"Finally found them, alright lets get going" She said to herself.

She takes her crossbow and puts a tattered hood on, and this day, she will get her first kill.

Timeskip 1 hour

After searching for a while, she found the 2 shipgirls.

The first girl has a long blonde hair and wears a short denim pants, the other girl wear the same, but she has a short silver hair.

Yes, they are the Cleveland class ships, Columbia and Montpelier, but there are something wrong with them.

They still mantain their emotions, but their eyes are a different color, the color is black.

And Alex had noticed this, and so she loads an AS arrow in her crossbow ( Anti-Ship arrow, dont ask me how she made that ) and takes aim at Columbia, she carefully takes aim and fired the arrow, the arrow flies straight to her head, crushing her skull.

"W-what the... " Montpelier saw this and quickly go to check her sister, why isnt she aiming to her chest and destroy her cube instead, you may ask? Well that question will be answered soon.

As Montpellier is busy checking her sister, Alex already loaded another arrow and is aiming at her head aswell. And then she released the arrow, the arrow flies straight to her head to.

! Gore warning !

After both of them are dead, she comes out of her hiding spot, she walks to both of their dead body before kneeling down.

And what she did next was unexpected.

She raise her arms up, revealing some sharp claws, before her hand goes down and tearing open Columbia's chest revealing her dimly light cube.

She moves her other hand and takes the cube out of her chest, and so she did the same with Montpellier.

After that she stands up and walks to go back to her hideout, not noticing the trail of blood that she leaves there.

! Gore scene end !


After she got back to her hideout, which is a small old bunker, she opened the hatch, and enters the dimly lit bunker.

When she reaches the bottom, she places down her crossbow and the two cubes on a high-tech table ( also dont ask me where she got it ).

She placed one of the cubes on a machine thats connected to a monitor, and then she turns on the machine.

The machine starts to give the cube some energy also powering up the monitor infront of her.

The monitor reveals Columbia's face, she looks confused.

"W-who are you?" Columbia ask's first.

"Hi there Columbia, my name's Alex and I am the one that killed you and your sister" Said Alex calmly.

"You what!? Why do you do that!?" She shouts angrily at Alex, causing her to cover her ears.

"Woah, woah, relax. Yes I am the one who did that, but I am doing it for a reason"

"Hmph, I didnt believe you" Columbia pouts at her.

"Well its up to you to believe or not, but listen first, I'm doing it because you and your comrades had destroyed the humanity"

The Last OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ