Act 1-2 : Busted!

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3 days later

Alex can be seen working with her crossbow while Columbia watches her ( she already built a physical body for her, just a little bit different, with a Uprising logo on her arm ).

"What are you doing there?" Columbia asks

"Hm? I'm just making some improvements on it"

"But why it is so long? Its been 4 hours since you did that"

"Look, its hard to make a weapon, im just lucky that i find this weapon randomly, and i might make a weapon for you too"

"Can't I just use my rigging?"

"First, you aren't capable summoning your rigging because from the virus, second, it's better using a weapon"

"Alright, anyway what weapon will you make for me?"

"Its up to you, what type do you want?"

"A sword might be enough"

"Alright, but first I need some energy from your cube"


"Dont ask me, I just happens to know it"

"Fine, but how will you get it?"

"Simple, just watch"

And then Alex gets up from her chair and approaches Columbia.

And she did something...

She placed her palm on Columbia's chest,  causing her to blush a bit.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Shut up, let me do my job"

And then Alex's hand shines, and a flow of energy start to go to Alex's hand's.

"Right, done, why are you blushing anyway?"

Columbia quickly recovered from that, and answer's Alex


Alex get confused by this, but she paid no attention and started to work with the weapon.


After 5 hours of waiting, Alex is finally done with the sword.

"Here, its done"

"This is the sword? It looks like a normal sword"

"On the outside it may look like a normal sword, but if you put your cube's power inside of it, it will be more stronger"

"How did you figure that out?"

"Its easy, I once did the same with my crossbow"

"Hmmm, okay, by the way, why didnt you build the same body for my sister?"

"Well, its because I want to make her like some sort of a helper, you know, like a hologram"

"But i can still talk to her right?"


But than suddenly the trap that Alex had set up is making sounds, meaning somebody is nearby.

"Damnit, looks like they found us!"

"How are we going to get out?"

"Alright, bring all of the equipment and head out of here, I already prepared something for us to escape"

"Oh, and dont forget to wear this"

Alex hand over some small bags and a Shell armor ( that armor protects you from shells, but it still as light as a normal armor ), and a black hood to cover her.

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