The Meeting

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  • Dedicated to Luke Castellan

They aren't demigods here. It says "Oh my gods" because I'm used to it not the characters.

Annabeth POV

Thalia opened her mouth to introduce me to her friends but the bell rang, ending homeroom. She cursed under her breath.

"What do you have now, Annabeth?" I looked at my schedule.


"Who has Math class next?" Thalia asked the class. Two guys raised their hands. Luke and a guy with black hair and sea green eyes that I could sail in forever.

"I could escort Annie to mathclass." Like volunteered eyeing my body.

"I think I'd rather have Perseus escort her to class.And while you're there, Percy, show Annabeth to her locker." Percy, Huh? Well he's sort of cute with his messy black hair and natural tan.

"First of all, don't call me Perseus, and second, sure. C'mon Annabeth." We walked out of room 600.

"What's your locker number?" I remembered instantly.

"It's 226." He grinned an award winning smile.

"I'm 227." Perfect! I made my first friend! I think...We walked to our lockers. Percy saw Luke flirting with a dumb blond and Percy tensed. He looked at me seriously.

"Never befriend Luke. Unless you want to go out with a guy who uses you as arm candy to show of to his jock friends. He wouldn't even bother learning your name as long as your beautiful. I - I - I didn't mean it that way..." He was blushing almost as much as me.

"It's fine." I smiled at him and he took a breath of relief. I turned around and saw Luke heading our way.

"Will he ever leave me alone?" I asked Percy despreatly.

"No. If he's got his eye on you he will stop at nothing to make you his." great. Just great.

"Hey Annie. I think we should get to know each other better-" He glanced at my chest "How about a date this Friday?" Uh-Oh. I did something so embaressing, i can't believe i did.

"I... umm... have a... umm...Have a date with... umm.. Percy!" I said that louder than I intended to. Percy's face reddened with confusion.

"You're turning me down for... that?!" He stared at Percy with disgust. I felt a sudden protection towards Percy. I mean he was cuter and nicer than Luke!

"Ya! What's it to you? Oh, and by the way Percy is a 'him' not a 'that'. C'mon Percy." We took our books and headed to math class.

"So....What was that about?" How could i tell Percy what happened..."I mean... He will stalk you this Friday. It happened with Michelle once. She left the school..."

"Well, we could go to a movie ore something.... You know so he would know we were actully together." Percy was blushing...again. "I mean as friends of course."

"Ya... Sure, as friends." He smiled at me and we sat together at the back of the class.

What do you think, PEOPLE?!

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