Love me│Unsettled

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The clock had passed 15 when we reached the mainland. We were all standing by the front, eagerly waiting to step outside and to the unknown. Well, it was pretty unknown to me since I had never been here before.

Armin had booked us a small beach house alongside the sea, which I was so excited to see. Firstly, we were headed into the city to get some delicious food.
This opened also the opportunity to explore more.

"Alright everyone, try not get lost in the crowd as we get to the city" Armin had his map ready to go, glasses on and a cute summer hat. He was really our traveling guide even though he didn't live here himself.

The shore was filled with other ships and whatnot as we were transported to the city street. I could only watch in awe at all the tall buildings, glimmering in the sunlight.

We saw a sign that showed us the way towards the city center, and we followed behind Armin closely.

"Ey, do you think we can find a park to play some football later?" Connie grinned, motioning to the ball inside his backpack.

"Surely they have somewhere we can play and chill out" Reiner answered, pulling on his black sunglasses as the heat seemed to increase.

I was already feeling the sweat drip down my forehead. It was even warmer here than back at the island. God, how were we going to survive this at the beach houses?

"We can figure that out once we get to the reservations" Mikasa added in as she stepped next to me, and without delay, I felt the nerves creeping up on my skin. I hadn't directly talked to Mikasa since...well after Eren lost his memories.

We just kinda got along due to the circumstances. And for Eren's sake.

"You okay?" Mikasa asked me with a tilted head. Her jet eyes seemed to be more lively, more relaxed now that we were...okay. It still surprised me sometimes that our friends were all okay now, that we didn't have to fight any longer.

"I am" I tilted my head to look at Mikasa, sending her a cordial smile. "How are you doing?"

For a moment, she seemed hesitant on answering me. Maybe it was because I knew that she still had feelings for Eren, and some part of her always will. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable with the setting, moreover that I was still guilty after everything they had gone through.

But Mikasa accepted her fate.

"I'm doing much better. I got counseling this summer and have been focusing on getting healthy again" She seemed proud of herself. Her black hair had grown so beautifully and the light in her eyes was brighter that ever. "I still need to apologize for all the pain I caused you" Her head lowered.

"It's okay, Mikasa" I waved my hands, motioning for her to gaze at me. "I already told you, it was a difficult situation and nobody knew what Eren want-"

"That doesn't matter. I took my own feelings out on you" She stated with a stern expression, "I was acting selfishly while you were only trying to do what was best for Eren" I was left astounded to what she was saying. Mikasa and I had never really gone through our past issues, not in this manner anyway.

I never knew how to approach Mikasa after she tried to...never mind.
It was very hard.

"In that sense, thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it" I thanked her for the effort to make amends. I made a lot of mistakes in the past as well, and taking accountability was always the best solution to move forward. Besides...we were passed all those problems now.

Her smile dazzled beneath the sunshine, making my lips curve naturally. Even if Eren wasn't here with us, I could go back home with a proud heart and tell him about this conversation. I knew it in my soul that Eren would be joyful for this.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄┃Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now