Grocery store

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Alex's POV

Alex's POV

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A week later I was doing the monthly grocery shopping with the girls

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A week later I was doing the monthly grocery shopping with the girls. Since dad was working and so was mom. The Cullens were hunting and the pack was at home either resting or spending time with their imprints/families. I kept glancing at the list and checking things off as I continued on with my errand.

Dish soap
Laundry detergent
Apple sauce
Baby food

I then made my way to the baby section to get the last three things on my list then head home to put the girls down for a nap and start on dinner. I was internally debating on chicken soup or beef stew while the twins babbled and played with my hand.

I'd occasionally talk back to them as if we were having a conversation. I was pretending to be gossiping with them which made them giggle as I let out exaggerated gasps. I smiled at them before our little moment was interrupted.

"Ahem," someone rudely cleared their throat from behind me. I turned around to see two familiar middle aged women standing behind me with annoyed and disapproving faces. I politely smiled and asked "I'm sorry, are we in your way?" I tried to suppress the anxiety rising in me from their looks.

The same look that the lady at the dress shop gave me.

"No," the brunette said rudely, I nodded still trying to be polite "Then is their something else that you needed?" They glared at me and my girls causing me to put a protective arm in front of them "Are you Alexandria Swan?" The blonde snidely asked.

I hesitantly nodded "I'm sorry, but what is this all about?" They sneered at me "I'm Karen Mallory, and this is Linda Stanley. Our daughters Lauren and Jessica go to school with you" the brunette said in a nasty tone. I nodded again with an uneasy smile on my face "Oh, yeah, I know Jessica and Lauren."

They continued to sneer at me "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" 'Linda' demanded, I looked at her in confusion "Um, grocery shopping...?" I said confused, what was the problem here? Karen suddenly stepped forward and slapped me across the face! My head snapped over to the side , and I let out a yelp, my daughters began whimpering.

"Don't be a smartass, you whore!" Karen snapped, Linda clarified her question in a rude voice "No! Not that, dumbass. What the hell do you think you're doing to our school?!" I looked at her with my hand on my cheek and tears pricking my eyes "What are you talking about?" I asked "The new Sex Ed! It's all your fault! You couldn't keep your legs closed and when you got knocked up you cried rape!" Karen accused, with Linda nodding along.

"What? Why would I make that up?!" I protested shocked, "Because you didn't want to get in trouble for being a slut! Now our daughters have to relearn Sexual Education because of your mistakes!" Karen said, while pointing at my daughters.

I immediately blocked them from view and angrily said "Maybe you should educate yourselves! Not all sex is consensual, especially since I was raped at twelve! My daughters are NOT mistakes! They're the only good thing that came out of what happened! You should be happy that your daughters are learning that it's always okay to say no sex at anytime!"

They sneered again "You shouldn't even have kids at your age! Mothers like you always make their children grow up being abused, neglected, and feeling unloved! They'd be better off without you!" Linda snarled at me, each word biting at me. "I know a couple who would gladly adopt them. How about you do the right thing and give those girls to me?" Linda said reaching out to take Anna out of the cart.

I immediately shoved her away and scooped my crying girls into my arms "No! You're not taking my daughters from me!" I start backing away, but they followed me and closed in "Are you really that selfish that you won't give a nice couple a chance at parenthood? Or those babies a better life? Or maybe you just love the attention that they bring you!" Karen taunted, as they once again tried to take my daughters out of my arms.

I was pinned between the shelves and their bodies with no exit. I kept protesting and sobbing as they kept trying to get my wailing daughters out of my tight hip.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" We snapped or heads to the end of the aisle. There stood Eric Yorkie from school on the phone with middle aged black couple. The wife had her phone up as if she was recording while her partner was storming over to us looking absolutely outraged. Karen and Linda immediately backed off.

Karen forced a fake smile on her face "Mr. Crowley!" She said in a cheerful voice, 'Crowley' as in Tyler Crowley? Lauren's boyfriend? "What the hell do you think you're doing Karen?!" He demanded, stepping in between me and the two other women. His wife came down the aisle while still recording.

"We were just taking these adorable babies off Miss Alexandria's hands, she just got a little emotional while saying goodbye. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" Linda said in a sickenly sweet voice, while that last part sounded like a threat. I kept shaking my head and saying 'No' while me and my daughters sobbed.

Mrs. Crowley placed a hand on my shoulder and I flinched "She doesn't look like she wants to hand over her babies to me" Mr. Crowley snidely commented, Karen and Linda glared at me "It's just hard to say goodbye" and they once again tried to reach out for my babies. "No! You're not stealing my babies from me! They're mine!" I yelled and curled in on myself.

Mrs. Crowley spoke up "I recorded the entire conversation. You can be arrested for harassment and attempted kidnapping!" Eric suddenly jogged down the aisle "Sheriff Swan is on his way! You ladies should stay here" he said, Karen and Linda tried to leave but Mr. Crowley said "No, stay awhile longer. I'm sure that the Sheriff would love to know how you tried to take away his granddaughters."

Both women had called their husbands while they were being arrested. Jessica and Lauren had shown up as well and were profusely apologizing about their mother's behavior while I sat in between mom and Mrs. Crowley, or Cheryl, as she asked me to call her. My daughters were still in my arms, they had passed out from all the stress of the situation.

Dad was taking Mr. Crowley and Eric's statement. He'd already taken Cheryl's statement and had her phone with the video in custody. She caught everything including their approach towards me.

Edward's Volvo suddenly pulled up with a screech and Jacob and Edward jumped out with Seth and Embry hot on their heels. I was swarmed. A deputy quickly took my statement, so that Edward could take me home.

After that Edward drove us all home and we got into my bed. My girls not leaving my arms for a second. Edward spooned me from behind, and Jacob sandwiched the girls between us. It was a comforting position. It made me feel secure.

Embry was downstairs informing the pack about what happened while Seth did the same with the Cullens.

This was the second time someone tried to take my daughters away. I won't let it happen again. I won't lose my daughters.

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