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* Chloe's POV*

I've been part of the Deyes family for 5 days and, I already have a "boyfriend". Well, we are going on a date and then we will see! I decided to text Jake, my best guy friend, his brother Zach and my bff Lindsay.

Me: Hi Guys!

Jake: Where have you been?!?! Zach, Lindsay and I have been to the orphanage and your not there!

Me: oh uh I forgot to tell you I got adopted by Zalfie and now I have 2 sisters named Kimberly and Danielle and Joe Sugg is my uncle and Ya.

Lindsay: I can't wait for sleep overs now!

Me: I've even met the Shaytards!

Zach: The Whotards?

Jake: Zach why r u even in the chat?

(Zach just left the group chat)

Me: Lol. I'm also going on my first date with a boy named Xavier!

Lindsay: When do I meet him?

Me: Idk!

Jake: Are u in the USA?

Me: Yep! Staying with the Shaytards!

Lindsay: Cool

Me: Gtg Brock, Avia, Emmi, Kimmy and Gavin want me to scare Mum. Byeeee

Jake: Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee see u when u get back!

Lindsay: Bye Bye

I then got pumpkin seeds from a pumpkin they had, and yes it's summer! I went into mum and dads room where they were sleeping and yelled "PUMPKIN SEEDS!!!" Exactly like Mum did in the videos she did with Uncle Joe. Dad woke up and started chasing me. Everyone ran outside. Mum and Shay were vlogging. "Ok, well I heard Chloe yell pumpkin seeds and then saw Alfie chasing her so, the kids ran screaming outside and this is what happened" Dad had poured water on our heads so, we pushed him to the ground. Everyone was laughing. After the pranks. We ate Lunch as its only 1:30pm. "Mum?" "Yes, Pumpkin girl?" I giggled at her. " Can I start a YouTube channel?" She thought for a minute. "Yes." I was so excited. "Can I flim a video now?" She nodded. So I went and got my old camera, well it's from 2012 so, it kinda new. "Hey Guys! My names Chloe Deyes and, I will be filming some videos once in a while. My parents are Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes. Today, I'm filming a bunch of videos with some special people. So thanks for watching byeeeee!" I said into the camera. I filmed the makeup tag with Dad, most likely to with Mum, the Disney Challenge with Avia, with Kimmy and Brock we did a music video and with Gavin we played "Would you Rather". Gavin couldn't stop laughing. He helped set up and control Brock and Kimmy. After flim on we ate dinner. We watched movies and then went to bed. I had an amazing day!

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