Chapter Three

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23rd November 2000

“So, have you decided yet?” I asked hopefully, as soon as the Inspector was gone.

“Hmm… what was that?” Daddy was reading the newspaper, completely ignoring me. Charlotte gave a snort of laughter and I glared at her.

“Can I go to Lalington to see Aunt Lauren?”

Daddy sighed and moved his newspaper slightly so that I could see his twitching face: it was always twitching to some degree; he made us believe it was damaged nerve cells.


“Daddy, please.” I beseeched, “You have to let me go. At least it will look like one of us cares about Uncle Alex”.

“Annabel Elisabeth Suvagante”.

My father only used my whole name when he was angry but this time I wasn’t going to back down so easily. I had to go.

“Just think of all the good I could do, how much nicer it would be for Aunt Lauren to have someone to talk with.” Of course I didn’t say that what I really wanted was to help find my Uncle – Daddy didn’t even like Uncle Alex much anyway, they’d fallen out over something years ago.

“Annabel, we’ve discussed this before.”

“Yes, but…”

“Annabel, the answer is still no.” He sounded furious. I noticed his long fingers stretched taunt over the newspaper. I couldn’t help feeling that if Charlotte had asked him he would have said yes, she had always been his favourite.

“I can’t believe it. Here I am offering to help my Aunt and you won’t even allow me that.” I couldn’t stop myself.

“You are just a child in an adults world Annabel, I…” He sounded weary and defeated. I felt a stab of guilt. I wouldn’t apologise though – I was stubborn too.

“I’m fifteen. Hardly a child.”

“Fine, go. I don’t have the patience to argue with you. It seems that disappointing both your mother and I is becoming a habit.”

“What would you know about my Mother? You never even speak to her!”

My father made no effort to defend himself and it fueled my anger, “You keep her locked away in her own part of the house and …”

My father slapped me. My cheek smarted and my eyes stung with hurt.

“I’ll let you know when I’m ready to come home.”

Turning towards the door I took one look back, just enough to register the shock on my sisters face, then left.


Bethany was ironing in the kitchen. She had been our housekeeper since before I was born, quite literally ironing the creases out of our crumpled existence. Apart from my Uncle she was the only person that had been there for me to talk to since mother’s accident.

“I’m leaving for Lalington tomorrow.” I told her, my voice shaking slightly as I realised that this would be my first long trip away from home. Bethany put down the iron and gave me a hard look.

“What?” I snapped in aggravation – unfortunately I had inherited both my father’s stubbornness and his short temper.

“Have you thought about this properly Annie?” Her voice was sharper than usual.


“It’s only that it could be dangerous, someone obviously wished your Uncle harm and…” her gaze shifted towards the window and I followed it quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2013 ⏰

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