Chapter 1

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A/N: Omg this is the first time I've committed myself to writing something!!! I thought if I wrote and posted it online it might motivate me to stick with it or something...? Thx to my freind Amber for giving me so many great ideassz! (Your amazing! <3) Anyway hope you like it let me know if you do :)))

《《 ~~ ○●○ ~~ °•☆•° ~~ ○●○ ~~ 》》

My name is Tina Vamenet, and I am one of the lowliest creatures on this planet; human. Last August I turned 14, since then my powers have begun to manifest. It's lucky; otherwise, I'd have no chance of making it in this world. Some creatures can get by without having any magical ability at all because their blood is considered of value by default. Angels, werewolves, demons, you know the kinds. My value is determined by the mundane work I can provide.

Kyandale is my hometown, where my life stretches predictably out in front of me. Today, I will start taking an ability assessment test on the first Saturday of every month until I pass. I will apply for my education at the Kyandale Community Magic Training Centre, where I will learn magic for free at the expense of, well, anything above the bare minimum standard for any human looking for some mind numbing labour so she can just manage to provide for herself. Then I will work until I die. I will never be able to retire. It will be in my interests to marry, twice the money may buy me an apartment with a washing machine or some slightly more nutritious food.

All beings have the potential to use one of the eight magical dynes. My mother uses the Fire-dyne. I use the Water-dyne. I found out while at school when I accidentally flooded a bathroom after I went in there to cry about a brutal breakup (in classic middle school fashion). Although, there have been... other things that make me less certain. Like there was this one time I got home late at night when it was dark and I was just about to turn on the lights when they did so, all by themselves. This was strange indeed. Even stranger was how I sometimes got flashes of things, then seconds later they happened. Always small things like someone tripping down the stairs or a pencil falling off a desk. Things I've heard are typical of emerging users of the Light and Time-dynes.

I hear the sound of my mother using the kitchen, so I know it's time to wake up. Pulling my covers off me, I observe my bedroom. It's small with tall walls made of I assume bricks covered with a thick layer of cracking off-white paint. My bed is in the middle of the south facing wall opposite my dresser with a mirror placed on top of it where I see my own face staring back at me. To my right is a high window which when unblinded has a view of the gritty street below. I try to keep it blinded at all times. The thin beams of sunlight shining through the gap between the window frame and the curtains illuminate the opposite wall where a door stands. I turn the handle and exit into the hallway.

"Tina is that you?" says the kind voice of Matilda Vamenet.

"Who else would it be Mother?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Could have been a burglar," she responds. "They could have climbed through the window. You wouldn't notice, sleeping like you do."

I chuckle. Funny, my mother is.

I settle myself down at the kitchen table with a bowl of my favourite cereal. As I eat, I think about what's to come. Many of my friends from school will also be testing today. I hear a vibrating sound to my left, so I pick up my phone and open my messaging app.

8:12 | marykk >> hey u guys. who else is getting tested today?

8:12 | xX_balloonboy_Xx >> me!! im soo nervous. i heard fire tests are supposed to be extra difficult

8:13 | kay.leb >> i think they're all the same tho

8:13 | vdd_rok >> can't. i hope i get my powers soon cause im starting to feel left out.

8:13 | marykk >> aww im sur u will

8:13 | kay.leb >> they may not my brother didnt get his til he was like 17.

8:13 | You >> yep. going pretty soon actually. my mum thinks we may be able to go quickly she hates doing stuff like this

8:13 | LifeAlert >> i hate it 2 theres no way im gonna pass first try.

8:13 | marykk >> cmon belive in urself

8:13 | You >> yeah its annoying i doubt anyone here will pass.

8:13 | kay.leb >> i actually think i will my powers have come rlly come thro in the last weeks

8:13 | LifeAlert >> it's sad that ur not even joking.

8:13 | You >> i gtg wish me luck!

I put my phone in my pocket and approach the front door. My mother grabs her keys and we exit.

There is no testing facility in Kyandale and since we don't have a car we take the train one neighbourhood over. We end up in Fronks, a part of town where the large majority of its populace is made up of Elves. I have only ever met one elf in my life. He was introduced as a new student at my elementary school. He stayed one day in which we were all instructed to introduce ourselves and make him feel welcome. After that, he was never seen again. No one knew what happened to him, not even the teachers. As you can imagine, this became one of the greatest mysteries ever to a group of seven-year-olds, which many attempted to 'solve'. I will undoubtedly meet some today, my testers most likely. We walk toward the testing centre, a great concrete building with no visible windows except for an array of street-level glass panels, some of them being doors. A steady stream of teens with their parents make their way inside, we join them.

It's only until now that I am brave enough to probe my own feelings. This is the start of the rest of my life, and it scares me. Oh, how little I knew then. If I had known, "scares" would have been the understatement of a century...

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