Chapter 4

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A/N: Plz is this good?!?!? I am open to feedback and suggestions. Thx to Chad, my love, for helping me wth the chapter. Pls vote and comment!!!!!!!

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Today I begin my education at the Vanclin Academy. Vanclin is a magic school, but it's also a regular school. Let me explain: At home (if my life didn't go crazy) I would have continued at the school I was at, but every day after school I would do two hours of magic lessons at the training centre. Here, at the academy magic is integrated into our curriculum, and we learn with people from every dyne, not just our own. Good, I think. It will be easy to disguise my powers.

I am woken early by my anxiety. My mother is still asleep but I decide to get up anyway. I carefully consider my outfit: I choose an over-large black tee with a cool faded white pattern tucked into some blue skinny jeans. I lace up my boots, tie back my strawberry blonde hair back and am ready for the day. I don't put on makeup, even though a lot of girls will. I'm not into that stuff, if I wanted to hide my face I would wear a mask or something cool.

I will travel alone into the city centre but I wait for my mother so I can say bye before setting off. I use the meantime to send a message to my friends:

6:33 | You >> hey guys leaving today ik we already said goodbye but i just wanted to say it again. Love u all see u over the break

When I told my friends about moving away I got some mixed reactions. Some were sad to see me go, somewhere happy for me. Others in my class were jealous, but I don't need them.

It was a very emotional morning, for both me and my mother.

"When I took you in, I was worried I could not make a future for you," she says, her eyes tearing up. "But now I am not worried because I know you will make a great future for yourself."

I walk away from my home. Out on the street, I look up at my window. It's a habit I've developed since I was little. I try not to feel too sad as I leave, I'll be back in the summer! But will it be the same? Will I even want to come back? I feel I will, my mother is here. She needs me, probably more than I think I need her.

I ride the train further than I ever have, and I've ridden the train a lot in my life. The school is located right in the centre of the city, a place they call The Core. That's because it's the most prestigious school in the city; people who become politicians and bankers and lawyers go there.

It takes me an hour to reach The Core, but even before then I was in awe of the building around me. Where I come from, buildings come in two kinds: brick and concrete. They're all square and boring with filthy streets and filthier people. Here, the buildings are so high, made of materials I can't name.

I can name one though, glass. Lots and lots of glass. Whole walls made of the stuff, I can only imagine how dazzlingly bright and airy the rooms inside must feel. Everything is so clean and shiny. Oh, and so green! The place is crawling with plant life. I see creepers up the side of buildings, large greenways and miniature parks dotted around the place.

The sight of this thriving utopia fills me with a hope I've never felt before. One that makes me feel I own my own life.

The train comes to a halt at Maggieth Road, the station across the street from the school. After I received my letter I did some research about it. I learned that the school takes up an entire city block that is basically a giant park with various buildings on it. I walk to the main entrance, a magnificent building whose many surfaces shimmer in the sun.

Each of the glass doors has the school crest emblazoned on them in white paint, followed by the school motto:

⏆⍢⍜⍊ ⍝⍢⍢ ⌿⍖⍑⍡⍉ ⍝⍢ ⍜⍊⍊ ⏆⍊ ⍝⍚⍦⍝⍏ ⍖⍑⏀⍊ ⍑⍡ ⏆⍊ ⍉⌶⍚⍕, ⍜⍢ ⍉⍢ ⏆⍢⍜⍊ ⍝⍢⍢ ⌿⍖⍑⍡⍉ ⍝⍢ ⍜⍊⍊ ⏆⍊ ⍖⍑⍊⍜.

It's written in an ancient script used only for fancy things like this. Though I can't read the actual words, I know from my research it translates to: "Those too blind to see the truth live in the dark, so do those too blind to see the lies." It's strange, but I like it.

The doors slide automatically open as I approach them. As I step inside I take in my first mouthful of expensive cleaner scented air. I am standing in a foyer area with soaring ceilings and a slanted roof. The floor is covered in a carpet of all different shades of grey. The great windows and subtle ventilation gave the room a breezy feel. Across from me is a desk with a very pretty lady with golden hair, silver eyes and great white wings seated behind it. She is an angel, and she seemed to glow, radiating welcomeness. I proceed towards her, stopping in front of her desk.

"Hi there!" She says to me, beaming. "How can I help you?"

"Um yes I'm looking for the Sione Building, I'm here for the orientation," I say, reading from my phone.

She pulls a brochure from under her desk and shows me the map, giving me directions on where I need to go. Following her instructions, I walk toward the exit of the present building. I feel the eyes of the receptionist curiously on me as I do. I wish she wouldn't.

I set out into a paved courtyard area. Part of the building's roof sticks out and sits on metal poles, providing shade. There are some concrete slabs lining the perimeter that serve as both seating and division from the gardens behind them. I hear birds chirping, and I stand and observe this pretty place for a minute before passing it.

A path leads to a vast grassy area. I see all sorts taking part in activities. People lounge around, some with books and papers under shady trees. Some practice their magic. I stick to the path, checking my map occasionally as I go. I walk past angels, demons, werewolves, vampires and even the occasional elf, but I notice no humans. I wasn't really expecting to though, I'm a one in a million. 

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