Chapter 3

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A/N: So many reads!!!!! But nobody is voting :( Plz vote!!!! Love all of u who commented <3 This chapter was very short (very soraz) but i will have longer chapters in future.

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It has been ten days since my test, I could be getting my results any day now. My mornings have begun to start the same. The anxiety, the tense walk to our letterbox, and the aching disappointment that turns back into anxiety before the next morning.

It has been fourteen days since my test, still nothing. Many of my friends have received their letters; none of them has passed.

Twenty days, It'll come soon.

Twenty-eight days, everyone I knew who had been awaiting a letter has now received it. I'm really worried now, something is going on. The delay is undeniable due to my abnormal assessment. My mother has been asking me whether I noticed anything unusual while at the testing lab, and every time I assure her that there must have been some kind of mix up, it got lost in the mail, perhaps. Or, I think privately, someone made it get lost in the mail. It's a thought I've had for a while. I have never heard of someone with more than one power, it's something many people may consider... unnatural. I haven't told my mother, I don't know what she would say or do. Overall, I get the sense I might be in danger.

30 day. It's been an entire month since my test. My day begins as usual. I wake, dress, walk down to our mailbox. I use our key to unlock it, hesitate for a second. Then, I wrench the little door open and peer inside. There are three letters. Two are addressed to my mother and one is addressed... to me. My heart leaps with a jumble of emotions - relief, excitement, fear.

I don't even bother running back up to my apartment; I've been waiting too long for this. I tear the envelope open right there in the foyer. Heart pounding, I open the official-looking piece of paper inside with trembling hands, read:

Dear Miss T Vamanet,

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have passed your magical ability assessment, with high excellence which means you will be allowed to begin training at any establishment of your choosing.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Nortfeild, New Haven's Chief of Magic

I breathe a sigh of great relief. I had been so worked up about whether it would actually come, I had forgotten to worry about what it would say. All of a sudden, I feel like things may become normal again. Of course, this was a complete fantasy, I'm still a freak but I let myself believe, even if it was just for a moment.

Upstairs, my mother is waiting for me. She gives me the same looks she had every day for the last month. I shove the letter towards her, not saying a word. Her eyes move rapidly across the page, her smile widening as she did so.

"Well, I was expecting something much more exciting." she jokes.

I laugh, pass her the other letters.

"Yeah, what a real letdown."

I made to return to my bedroom, but my mother called me back.

"What's this?" she says uncertainly.

"What?" I say, looking.

In her hand was a letter, one I hadn't noticed before. It too was addressed to me. I take it from her, open it unsurely.

Inside was a piece of paper, stamped with a fancy logo, captioned with "Vancelin Academy". Shocked, I read aloud:

Dear Miss T Vamanet,

We have taken notice of your trial and decided you demonstrate magical excellence. Therefore, we would like to offer you a place at our school, free of charge. We have been in conversation with the Department of Magic and the Department of Education in order to make arrangements for you. Hope to be seeing you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Linda W. Finch

I gasped when I read the second sentence. I was so shocked. I have always been able to see the road of my life in front of me, right down to the end but now... I see nothing but mist in front of me. I am blind, and there's something extremely exciting about that.

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