An Almost Fresh Start

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My name's Nick and I'm married to my best friend, Mary. I work downtown as an accountant. I know I sound like a normal guy, right? And I am, it's just I have a not so normal past. I... Well when I was young, I would.. Rob places with.. Well that doesn't matter. But don't worry, I payed the price, 6 years of jail time. It sucked. But I'm over that and want a fresh start. Which I got, and Mary knows and she has gotten over it and you should too. Anyway, today was a normal day, it really was. Or at least supposed to be until I got a call.

"Mr. Smith," Kathy, the new secretary buzzed on my phone,"There's a man on line 1 who goes by the name of Andrew Wren, should I put home through?"

I froze. That name. I haven't heard that name in 10 years. Andrew Wren.

"Mr. Smith?"

"Huh..? Uh yeah. You can put him through." I manage to squeeze out.

"Ok," Kathy said as she put Andrew Wren through.

"Hello?" I stuttered out.

"Hey, remember me? It's Andrew Wren," The voice said.

"I remember," is the only thing I can say. Why can't I say more?

"Look, I know that things might be awkward now between us after, you know..." We both really know, prison, that's what he's talking about.

"I was just wondering if we could catch up sometime. You know later today?" Andrew says through the phone.

"Yeah, later today. How about Apple
B's?" I ask.

"Okay, see you then," He says. Then he hangs up.

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