Chime Five

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I started trembling as the stone lions started circling around us.

Andrew leaned over to me, "You see this, right?"

"Yup," I whispered as we went back to back. We silently took out our weapons, they were both guns, but we also had small pocket knives on us too. You didn't think we'd have a weapon on us, did you? We were some pretty good robbers back then.

"You really think that will stop us?" Snarled the beast, Lapis, shaking his stone mane.

Libro was pacing around the floor, watching Andrew and I came closer and closer together. As she paced, she would scrape her stone claws across the floor, creating an eerie sound that echoed through the museum chamber.

"What are you going to do?" Asked Andrew.

Lapis smiled, showing off his fangs, "Put you in your place of course."

Libro dragged the expensive painting toward Lapis and examined it. "What a shame. I've always really like this one. But, now that you've destroyed it," snarled Libro, "We'll need to find a replacement." She slashed her claws through the painting.

"You'll have until the clock chimes 5 to fix this painting or create a replica. Good luck," Lapis roared and walked away with Libro on his heels.

"What the hell are we giving to do?!" Andrew asked, panicked by the situation.

"We can't call anyone. We'll get thrown back into jail. We can't go back," I stated.

"We need to fix it. Come on, we need to hurry!" Andrew yelled, grabbing his pocket knife and used the screwdriver on it.

I was utterly confused. Gargoyles coming to life? I'm either dreaming or insane.

"What's a screw going to do to help with the painting being torn apart?" I asked. I was supposed to be the logical, sensible guy in this team.

"I don't know! I just know I don't want to be that lion's midnight snack, now are you gonna help me or what?!" Andrew was steaming. Frustration was overcoming him, and I don't blame him.

"Why don't we just sneak out?" I asked. It seemed... Logical, right?

Andrew calmed down enough. We went towards where we had entered.

Andrew smiled. "I overreacted. This will be easier than I thought."

Suddenly, stone paws clawed us back, literally.

"Thought you'd get away that easy, eh?" Lapis chuckled, "Oh Libro!"

Libro pounced and pinned Andrew and I to the ground, her stone paws against our throats.

"The clock hasn't rung yet!" I screamed, running out of ideas.

Lapis smiled at me, "What do you mean?"

"It hasn't chimed 5-"






"That's what I thought," Libro hissed.

Lapis drew his claws and ripped them across the tile floor, leaving marks.

"We still must replace the paintings," Libro reminded him.

Lapis smiled, "I know just what to do."

Andrew and I looked at each other, fear painted on our faces.

• • •

Cliffhanger! Let me know what you think, wether it be a comment, suggestion, or advice!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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