Lapis & Libro

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I glanced at my watch. It had been 3 hours since we were at Apple B's and it was now one in the morning. Andrew and I had squeezed out way in through an open window in the back. I really didn't like it, being claustrophobic and all.

"Hey, the paintings are over here, let's get a move on!" Andrew whispered.

I moved silently, happy to be in stealthy mode. Something about moving around in those empty halls, with only the shadows and the faint light from the outside and the vibrant red light from the exit sign, really made me... At home.

Andrew was already unscrewing the painting of an old guy with a wig that could make Lady Gaga jealous.

Maybe we won't get caught, I thought.
I helped Andrew lift up the painting and move it to the back room. From here, we would open the exit door and leave, as it only could open from the inside.

Then I heard a noise. It sounded like chalk being drawn up against the sidewalk. There was a faint light a and then all was safe. I think...
Then there was the roar. Andrew and I both dropped the painting loudly and stared at each other, frozen with dreaded fear. I could hear the booming sound of feet, no paws, walking toward us. The voice laughed and came out of the shadows. The creatures that stood in front of us were two very large, very threatening lions. The biggest one gave a deep, bellowing laugh.

"You puny humans always think you can get away with so much, don't you?" The big feline said as he shook his stone head with his mane.

The second one started circling us and dragged the painting toward the wall where it had been.

The first one looked down and hissed,"My names Lapis, and this here is my friend, Libro. You will pay dearly for what you've caused, you know."
Libro licked her stony fangs and smiled, "Don't worry, I might make it quick."

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