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"Hello?" Mary's voice sounded through my phone as I walked down to Apple B's.

"Hey Mary, I'm going to be late tonight, I'm meeting up with... An old friend," I explained.

"Okay, will you be home for dinner? It won't be anything extravagant."

"No, I he asked me to meet him at Apple B's."

"That's fine. But who will you be meeting with?"Mary's curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"Oh, uh just an old friend. From high school."

"Okay then. Just don't be too late tonight," Mary said hesitantly.

"Ok see you later tonight!"

"Alright bye, love you," Mary said and hung up the phone.

I sighed. Mary wouldn't be happy if she found out who I was meeting with.
Hell, I could hardly believe I was meeting with him. We were partners in crime. Figuratively and literally. This was gonna be weird.

I walked into Apple B's. I looked over and saw Andrew Wren. He hasn't even changed. He was still wide shouldered and he still had his sandy brown hair close cropped. The only thing new with Andrew Wren was the look in his hazel eyes. He looked... Proud instead of ashamed.I walked over to him.

"Hey Nick," he said.

"Hi," I murmured as I sat down. We both ordered food and waited in an awkward silence.

"Look, Nick. It's no surprise that we have a history. And I'm not gonna beat around the bush here. I want us to go back in business."

I stared at Andrew with shock.

"And before you say anything, let me remind you of our deal."

My mind flashes back to the incident.
We stood in front of the bank. I was ready to grab the money and run but Andrew looked at me and said
'I can't do this anymore.'

'Please,' I begged. 'I have to do this I need the money please'

'Fine,' he had growled. 'But you owe me.'

'Okay, thank you,' I was so relieved.
I had gotten enough money to pay the bills for the next year.
"What kind of... Business are you talking about?" I asked. Stay calm.

"I want to get those paintings from the museum on Oak Street," Andrew said.

I gasped,"No one has ever actually gotten away with stealing those paintings. There's been a ton of attempts, but no one has actually done it," I tried reasoning.

"That's why we're gonna be the first," he said with a grin,"We'll be legends."


"Nick, are you in this or not? Either I tell the police about all that you've ever done, or you'll help me. Understand?"

I knew he was black mailing me. I knew it. And I hated it. But was it bad that a part of me actually wanted to do this?

"I'm in."

I heard myself say that right? I shouldn't of said that. Oh gosh, what if Mary finds out? Andrew grins.

"Glad to hear it."

A teenage boy with freckles came to our table with a, "Hear's your order." and left.

I was in.

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