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"Lassie, this is possibly the most malicious plan that we've e'r concocted. Now le's hope tha' it works." He smirked as he spoke.
"Exactly. Now make sure they're occupied so I can set up the thingymabobers and jiggy-mah-what's-it's." You replied with a happy tone in your voice and a smile in your eyes.

Scotty walked out to ensure that you wouldn't be disturbed. He sat with the captain on the bridge for twenty minutes as you wormed through the vents into the captains room.

You carefully installed and concealed motion sensors in various places throughout the room. When triggered, they emitted a high frequency notice that would temporarily knock the intruder, or in the case the captain, unconscious. From there, glue would pour from a corresponding vent and feathers would be dropped after the glue. The unlucky being would then be in a bit of a sticky situation.

Once finished, you shot a message to Scotty telling him to work his magic on McCoy. Sneaking through your undisturbed vents, you snuck into McCoy's quarters. Now, you knew he wasn't squeamish due to his working with flesh day in and day out. So, you fired up the replicators and went all Vlad the Impaler on that bitch. You replicated various skulls that ranged from human and Vulcan to things as exotic as Catillians and Klingons. You strung them up in different places and gored it up. Meaning, fake blood everywhere, guts in some odd places, and weird piles of body parts in others. This would send even the most iron-stomached man into having his dinner... Twice.

Now, you could only wait.

~~~le time skip of revenge~~~

The captain stormed into engineering where you and Scotty were partaking in a few glasses of scotch on your breaks. Still covered in feathers and glue, he fumed and was prepared to punish the both of you, when an almost girlish scream rang through the ship. I guess McCoy found his surprise.
"_____... Scotty... What was that?" He asked quite quizzically.
"Oh... That scream you mean? That was probably McCoy walking into his quarters." You replied while attempting to suppress your laughter.
"Lassie... Wha' did ye do?" Oops... Guess you forgot to tell Scotty your modified plan. Oh well.
"Ever heard of Vlad the Impaler?" You asked shyly. "Ruler of the Ottoman Empire in 1456? The guy that killed people and put their bodies on poles? Yeah... I did that. But with added piles of intestines and various body parts... Oops." You smiled innocently and Kirk paled.
McCoy stumbled into main engineering looked rather green. "Who... Or rather what... The hell was that?" He asked incredulously.
"Oh... You mean the heads and stuff?" You asked nonchalantly.
"Yes,_____, the heads and 'stuff'." He replied quietly and appeared as though he were going to hurl.
"Just revenge, my dear boy, just revenge. And I've learned that it's best served like gagh. Sometimes live, but occasionally stewed, and usually cold." You maliciously responded.
Scotty then accompanied you out of the engineering section with your hands entwined. "Lassie... I've said it once and I'll say it again. R'mind me not to piss ye off. And... In case you've not noticed yet, I love ye when you're angry."
A/N tada? I think.... Why is it that everything I write is either to do with sex or gore? I'm so friggin lost. Lol
Thanks for reading these, guys. It's really cool of you too. :)

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