Twin!Reader x Kirk

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"You don't own me, James." You harshly exclaimed.

"I'm just trying to protect you!" He screamed back.

This has been going on for hours. The constant back and forth of argument as well as the growing rage between you.

"You didn't have to bug my fucking phone! You practically stalked me on my date!"

"How was I supposed to know that you weren't going out with some creep?"

"Who I am with is MY choice, Jim. Keep out of it! Just because you're my elder by 16 minutes doesn't mean you're in charge of me and my decisions."

"I'm your brother! I'm supposed to protect you!" He retorted.

"Bullshit. I'm going out with Scotty. You KNEW that. What are you really afraid of, Jim? I don't need you. The only thing you are to me is a fucking colleague. I'm done with your overprotective shit. You are nothing more than a colleague because I refuse to acknowledge you as family. Now, I've got a planet to explore." You stormed out of the room still seething as you made your way to the transporters.
Meanwhile, Jim audibly groaned in frustration. That and he put a hole in the wall. And may or may not have cut up his hand doing it. That's right, James T Kirk was beyond pissed because you didn't tell him what you were doing on Saturday night with Scotty. Slow down now, it was only a drinking contest, nothing too exciting.
As your dearest brother mulled this over in his mind, you were on your way to the transporters and, to say the least, you were seething. You got into your assigned place and beamed down to the planets surface, phaser at the ready. This planet had yet to be explored so, naturally, you were the first to volunteer.
As you all materialized, you were soon surrounded by indigenous peoples and creatures, all of whom had either bared fangs or raised weapons. "We are from the Federation Starship Enterprise. We come in peace." You spoke in attempt to diffuse the situation. However, they didn't understand. When you then began making your way to he who seemed to be their leader, they saw it as a sign of hostility and attacked. You and several others were struck down by their primitive weapons. Mainly poison darts, poison tipped arrows, and poison tipped spears. Damn, what was with these people and poison?
Surprisingly, the only people to not receive injury were the red shirts. Almost instantaneously, the few left standing contacted the Enterprise and had everyone immediately beamed aboard.

~~Slight time skip~~
"How is she, Bones?"
"She'll survive. She's just going to have that scar."
"Ah." Was all Jim could say. He'd nearly lost you. And what made it worse was that it was right after one of your worst fights with each other.
"I love you both dearly, but do kindly shut the hell up. I've got a headache that could put one of Scotty's hangovers to shame." You monotonously stated. The boys jumped at the sound of your voice. You stared at Jim and noticed he opened his mouth to speak. "Save the sentimental shit, Jimmy. Just don't fuck with my personal relations again unless I request it. Good?" He nodded and you giggled. Oh how loved the power you had over him.
IM NOT DEAD. I do, however, apologize for my absence. Shits just been hectic.

Also, apologies to @superwholock0799. This doesn't exactly follow your request, but the only thing I could remember was "fight and ow". So, really sorry if this doesn't live up to expectation. I'll try to be more accurate and timely next time.

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