Chapter One

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It was pretty much a day like any other day, except this time I broke my record of dating a guy for more than a month before breaking up. Girls and Guys out there, I would advise you to never go for a person who is still not over their ex, especially thinking this that you will heal them or some shit like he/she is a broken building and you are Bob the Builder because in the end you will only be left being the broken building and him/her will waltz onto their ex or the next with some lame excuse about compatibility when in reality if you sit and think, you are their ex have more in common and hence you are the rebound...

"Scarlett" my mother called out from below the stairs of our sweet, cosy two-story house, "Breakfast is ready. Come down before it gets cold."

"Coming," I answered after shutting down my laptop. The clock struck 9 am which was an indicator that I better hurry or I will get late for work.

I sprinted down the stairs while also bumping into the wall one or two times and exclaiming "Ouch!" and was met by my mother's disdainful look at the dining table.

"Scarlett, I have told you to not sprint down the stairs a lot of times. You will get seriously injured someday," my mother said while putting down a plate of boiled veggies in front of me with a glass of orange juice.

I ignored her comment yet again and started scarfing down my breakfast so that I can go back and complete my blog and get ready for work.

"Slow down, littlest elf," my father tapped me from behind as he entered the dining room.

"Come on, I am not that little," I fake pouted although I loved the nickname my father had given me while also wondering why I am so tiny.

"You know, food should always be eaten calmly or it's of no use," my father picked up the newspaper while sitting down near me and opening to the first page.

"It is also said that being on time for work is ethical but what can I say, it might just be a saying," I said.

My father let out a hearty laugh and his dimples were in full bloom. I simply adored my parents, as should I but I was closer to my father because as people say, Daddy's girl. My father stood at a height of 6 feet with an extremely fair complexion, a full head of hair at 50, a physique like a 25-year-old for some reason (he ate healthily and exercised so we do have a reason), green eyes, and a dimpled smile. Sometimes, I do wonder, "Am I adopted?" since I also don't go on my mother who is quite tall herself, 5'9" to be precise, brown eyes, a good physique, quite fair just like my father and a dimple on one cheek. They were made for each other, not just because they were compatible when it comes to physical looks but also they were kind and extremely smart since both of them worked as professors in an extremely reputed college, Yes, they met there, if you are wondering and the rest his history or let's just hear it from the horse's mouth about their love story. They love telling it so much.

"Daddy, will you tell me again how you met my mother," I gave him the puppy dog eyes. I am pretty sure I looked like a dead puppy but according to my father I looked quite cute.

My father smiled fondly at me and then adoringly at my mother who just sat near him with her plate of veggies and juice. Both started smiling with so much love while looking at each other and went into another world for one moment. Sometimes, I kind of envy their love since I know I am never going to find one like them. You might say why I am so pessimistic, but I am 21 with no romantic relationship under my belt. Kind of lost hope in love a while back but anyways.

"So, little one, we both had just joined the University of Florendale quite recently, me teaching Psychology and your mother teaching English Literature but were yet to cross paths as our class timings were different. One day, thanks to a couple of overzealous who wanted to get involved with their kids' education, we had a special parent-teacher seminar where all the parents and we were called. While I was standing near the coffee stand for some coffee in the cold weather of the town, I saw this extremely beautiful woman with startling red hair coming towards me and my world stopped. It was as if I had seen an angel of God who was coming to grant my wish of ultimate happiness. I was so stunned by her beauty that when she stood beside me to take her tea, I accidentally spilled my coffee on her beige coat. She stepped back suddenly and looked me directly in my eyes and this further escalated my ability to not move or speak."

CursedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora