Chapter Ten

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Vikram was embracing the woman I had seen him kissing so desperately the other day and boy, she was hot, but also looked like Satan's spawn. You know the kind of girls who have an okay face but dress extremely proactively to attract boys which makes them look so hot in the guy definition that nobody minds them having a shit personality. And how do I know about her personality? This was decided post we walked towards them and Vikram introduced us.

"Remember, since it is not officially announced yet that the princess is back, you are just another person who has come to this club so do not divulge your identity to anybody. Plus, you have to be with either of at all times, even when going to the washroom," Yash whispered in my ear as we walked towards them.

I nodded and we reached the "happy couple", with Vikram's girlfriend practically digging her claws into his shoulders.

"Maya, this is Scarlett and Scarlett this is Maya," Vikram carefully gave out my human name without describing anything about me and I figured she would be dumb enough to believe whatever Vikram said.

Maya sneered slightly at me before giving me a quick nod and a forced smile, not bothering to even extend her hand. So, friends, that's how I know about her personality or maybe she was too insecure. I am pretty sure her behavior will take a turn once she knows I am a princess, not that I care, but this might be a hinderance for my plan since she will be around Vikram at all times.

Yash glared at Vikram and asked him to come aside to talk while asking us to get security checked out by that time.

"Why the fuck is your girlfriend here?" is all I could hear Yash saying, not caring if Maya could hear that.

Yes, go Yash, whoop his ass for calling his gf tonight to spoil the fun and my plan.

They hastily discussed about this while keeping an eye on me till we got security checked and hurried along after only a few minutes with scowls.

Maya quickly grabbed Vikram, whispering god knows what in his ear while I held Yash's hand to ask if he is okay. He just gave me a grateful smile with Vikram staring at our hands and his girlfriend pawing him to make him look at her. God, I am going to enjoy this.

Yash did not leave my hand while we entered the club where the music was at full blast and with one quick glance I knew that my I wasn't as dressed as the other women inside the club.

Yash put his hand around my waist, trying to guide me through the crowd while Vikram stayed close behind with his girlfriend and Ruby and Manya were also in front of us.

By the time we reached a closed booth, where Maya practically sat on Vikram's lap, shooting me a "that's my man, stay away" look there were already, servers surrounding the table. Since nobody knew I was a princess here and by the manner Vikram was interacting with them, I am pretty sure he receives five star treatment here.

He asked around what all of us wanted to have to eat and drink and ordered those.

"Okay, I am not sure if this game is played here, but we are going to play Never Have I Ever," I stated, starting my plan in action.

I had researched games that were more likely to get a person drunk but the most popular Truth or Dare was not chosen since I did not know specific things to say to get a person drunk and this is the easiest game to get someone drunk.

"We know what that is. We don't live in a village," Maya drawled.

"Great, then," I turned towards Vikram and said, "Since you are so popular, you can ask for a few cups and beer."

I had sneakily asked Manya earlier if Guardians and Warriors can drink with their Angels because I didn't want Yash to get into trouble for getting drunk on the job or refusing to get drunk because he was working which would foil my entire plan. She said they can and because of their psychic connection with the angel and heightened senses, their eyes light up at the whiff of danger which in turn lights up their warrior mark and they sober up. That is in my favour because nobody will get into trouble for getting too drunk and since I am no danger to both, they will have the freedom to be let their guard down around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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