Chapter Nine

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"So do you guys have any happening places around here?" I asked Manya as she walked with me towards my bedroom.

"We do have this huge museum where you could go to gain more insights about the culture of Tourmaline," she answered.

I shook my head and continued, "You know Manya, I keep forgetting that you are a more of a good girl than me. I am not asking about that kind of happening place."

"Okay then?" she looked at me confused.

"I am asking about this kind of happening place," I mimed a drinking and a dance move.

"Ohhh, you mean that kind!" she gave me a look where I know she understood what I meant.

"So?" I asked again.

"I don't think a princess should go to that kind of happening place," she opened my bedroom and walked inside behind me.

"Come on, Manya, don't be a spoilsport," I gave her my smile, "You know you should get out a little. Enjoy, maybe dance with a boy or something."

Manya giggled slightly before continuing, "Well, Vikram would be a better person to ask about such things. He goes around a lot to such places."

I let out a fake groan but inside I was grinning that my plan was sort of working.

"If you are worried about my mom, I will ask her, okay?" I stepped into the bathroom, "And Ruby and you are coming along."

"But..." Manya tried to protest but I shut the bathroom door and got out once I was done with a relaxing bath.

Manya wasn't in the room but had laid out my clothes. Even though I liked being spoiled so much, I got to stop her from doing so much. I quickly slipped into the clothes and hurried to the dining room, mentally thinking of how I am going to convince my mother to let me go out for the night. I will just have to use my adorable smile which people seemed to like so much.

Coincidently, both Yash and Vikram were in the room, discussing something with Pratap. It was like God was on my side for this one. Both of their gazes landed on me for split second and then returned to their discussion.

I hopped on the seat beside my mother, and she gave me her dazzling smile, So this is where got my smile from. As the three men were about to live the room, I asked them to stay back so that I could talk to my mother about the night out. They looked at me inquiringly but didn't say anything.

"So, mother, I wanted to ask you if I could go out tonight?" I asked my mother.

"Where do you want to go, dear?" my mother asked with a slightly worried expression.

"I wanted to go dancing, mother, I miss it so much," I said, "Vikram would know a place where we could go to." I looked at him for a second.

"But, sweetie, princesses don't go to the "places" you are referring to around here," she picked up her spoon and began eating, "Besides it's not safe for you."

"But mother, Yash, and Vikram will be constantly with me and Manya and Ruby will also be coming with us," I continued to try to convince her.

My mother sat silently for some time, pondering about whether she should allow me or not. Pratap stepped towards her and said, "It would be good for her to go out and mingle with her people, your majesty. I would not say where she is asking to go is the right place to do so but she is young. She ought to enjoy it as well. And a couple of my people and me will also go to keep her safe."

My mother looked up at Pratap, her contemplation clearing up somewhat.

"Yash is her guardian and you know we are supposed to protect you with our lives and Vikram will be there too. Both will protect her. We will scope the place inside out and guard the outside so that no harm can enter and I will pull her out before any danger comes her way," Pratap gave my mother's shoulder a slight squeeze which relaxed her and she looked at me.

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