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*Diabolik Lovers Story OC*

Name: Yukiza(Last name), Saimochi(First name)

Nickname: Sai, Chi, Mo, Zaza, Yuki, Sugar lips, Candy boy, Kitty

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Birth: October 31

Race: Neko-Vamp(Cat-vampire mix), Angel, Demon


Eye(s): Oval, ocean blue with a hint of green, and sharp

Lip: Bow, plump, light pink

Brow: Sharp, full, and dark brown

Hair: Long, straightened, dark brown

Face Shape: Soft, circle, feminine, and cute

Ear(s): Small, pointed with a slight rounding to the end

Nose: Small, button

Skin: Smooth, light rose

Weight: 53.9 kg or 119 lbs

Height: 155cm

Nails: Sharply pointed and painted black


Likes: Cute & scary things, candy, baking & cooking, drawing, dancing, singing, ext.

Dislikes: Mean people, Yui, LGBTQ+ haters, ext.

Other: He doesn't show much emotion and instead hides behind a rude and edgy demeanor


Family: Step-Father(Seiji Komori), Step-sister(Yui Komori)

Health: Mentally and physically traumatized, partially mute, hallucinates

Backstory: Saimochi doesn't remember much about his past or about his race before getting thrown into the church. At the church, he was hated by many and got beat by the other children along with a few untasteful adults. He was traumatized by these events, one time an older male went so far as to undress the young boy and proceeded to rape him, cutting open the sides of the boy's mouth so he could not scream or yell for help. Saimochi was now living in Seiji's basement to keep him from others with very little, he has a phone and talked to his only friend on it. Saimochi also has some clothes that barely fit, a single pillow, a thin sheet, along with an apple sitting next to him in the basement room.

DL x Male OC (The Lost Neko)Where stories live. Discover now